
  1. N

    washing non-organic produce

    If you don’t / can’t buy organic produce (I’m thinking about EWG’s Dirty Dozen), how do you wash your produce? Tbh, sometimes it pains me to pay $7 for organic strawberries, when the regular strawberries are $3 (on sale). I bought organic strawberries today, but sometimes I don’t because of...
  2. T

    Maternity clothes

    I'm having a really hard time finding good maternity clothes. Sizing up in regular clothes doesn't work for me. I have a long torso and long arms. I'm only 27 weeks and my belly is already hanging out the bottom of "maternity shirts." I hate wearing leggings. I just bought some maternity long...
  3. M

    What was your most and least favourite stage of the first year?

    My baby is currently 7 months and is crawling around and starting to get into all kinds of trouble and honestly this stage has been the hardest for me!! Our house isn’t big but there are still few things he loves to get into that he shouldn’t so we can never leave him alone, and he can’t be in...
  4. H

    Euthanizing out dog tomorrow. Husband and I differ on what to do with the (almost) 3 year old. [x-post from r/parenting]

    1:30 tomorrow our vet is coming to our home to put our boxer down. DD will be napping (tail end of her nap). Her dogs (we have two boxers) are just furry siblings to her - she talks/plays/loves them like she does her skin brother. Husbands is adamant - our daughter is to see nothing. I am on...
  5. J

    Another q on second (scheduled) c after emergency c with first

    You all were incredibly helpful with my first question on this so I’m coming back for more. Another thing I’ve heard is that babies are more tired after labor and/or emergency c vs scheduled c, and so they can be easier to care for … also that labor forces fluid from them while the c does not...
  6. P

    What Cheerios-like cereal are you feeding your baby?

    Whole Foods 365 Morning O’s had added cane sugar, so I went with a box of Cascadian Farm Purely O’s. Any others to check out? Thanks!
  7. D

    Organic cotton clothes for chunky babies?

    My 6 month old has grown out of all her 9-12 month footies. Everything I’ve tried for 12+ months is long and slim, I guess for fire safety reasons, and she is neither of long nor slim lol. We tried burts bees babies, magnetic me, Monica & Andy, Pehr. Any suggestions of other brands for...
  8. S

    IKEA carbon steel pan has PFAS?

    so this is confusing to me. i was looking into carbon steel pans, and saw that some people in the r/BuyItForLife group recommended IKEA (surprisingly!) but on the product listing under product details>materials and care, it has this message: "California AB 1200 Information This product...
  9. A

    Husband called me the c word and says I’m not being a wife

    My husband and I have had an extremely rough year. Our daughter was born super early and has a lot of health issues as a result. I’ve had to spend months with her in the hospital but have been home since last summer besides on and off hospitalizations. When our daughter was fighting for her...
  10. D

    I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

    Disclaimer: this is just a rant. I know this actually works for some people. I genuinely hope to be one of those people one day. Now onto my frustration… I’m sick and tired and sick and tired and SICK AND BLOODY TIRED of being told to just get up an hour before the kids. As if it was just that...
  11. N

    Thrive Market

    Do y’all have thrive market and do you love or hate? I live in a rural area, so we don’t have many clean eating options. How’s the pricing, food options, anything else I need to know? I have heard it’s hard to cancel.
  12. A

    Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

    I’ll give y’all a recap of the most recent episode. My baby (16 weeks) is sick with bronchiolitis and a double ear infection. All the fever and crying and fun stuff that comes with it. I have not eaten today. I have not showered today. I have done nothing but count breaths and watch for fever...
  13. M

    My 1y/o eating/biting anything and everything in sight

    Hi everyone, I'd love to hear your input and get some advice. My daughter is just about to turn one and 95% of her activity during the day is with her mouth. She chews and eats everything in sight. She has 7 teeth out already. We no longer look at books because she goes straight into chewing the...
  14. M

    Part time work, Full time SAHM

    TL:RD: Hubby works on call weekends, 12 hour shifts during the week, I work part time flex hours and have 3 kids, hard time sleeping Hey everyone! Needing advice on weird sleep schedule. I work anytime after 6 p.m.-5 a.m. part time 25 hours/week for extra cash. Ive tried going in after my...
  15. D

    Anyone else walk into a big box store and feel like they’re the only ones awake in some sort of toxic capitalist matrix?

    Sorry for the rant but… Sometimes I have to go to a Safeway super close by to grab something though it’s not my default place to shop. They recently reorganized the whole store, and I feel like we’ve just about reached the doomed society depicted in Wall-E or Idiocracy. The center aisles are...
  16. G

    Plan B and delayed period? Your experience?

    Husband and I accidentally had unprotected sex on the day my app said I was due to ovulate. I’ve never had an accident like this before in my 32 years - I blame extreme fatigue (my LO isn’t a great sleeper). The app has been 1-2 days off before (only since giving birth 14 months ago - before...
  17. M

    My sister's bio mom is trying to guilt my sis because bio parents weren't in the paper

    TLDR my baby sisters bio mom wants attention so she is being mean to my sister and I want to do mean things to bio mom. this is a throw away. if you recognize some of this please keep it to yourself;) trigger/content warning...mention of suicide and infant death people mentioned: sis=H...
  18. A

    Why Did I Become a Mom in the U.S.?

    I’m a mom to a 14-month old and I want to give him the world. How can I do that in this stupid country of ours? I want to give him a sibling…good try with that. If you have a miscarriage, you will be left to bleed out because laws don’t protect you anymore. Or worse, thrown in jail or maybe put...
  19. J

    Polarn O. Pyret snow gear sizing?

    I am currently shopping for snowsuit/pants/coats/gear for my toddler. We live in the US near the Canadian boarder so we get bitterly cold winters, and thus I am looking for very warm gear. I've read good things about Polarn O. Pyret (POP) and am searching second-hand sites for that brand...
  20. T

    Intro and questions re: Milk and Baby halter kangaroo top and general nursing wear

    Hi all! I'm a FTM, due Oct 14th and I've been lurking this sub for about a month now, and I think I've found my Reddit tribe (aka y'all). So thanks! I'm psyched to join you. So, I loved maternity clothes, and was super comfortable and looked decent my whole pregnancy. Now, onto the next phase...