
  1. P

    Product Advice for Sit N Stand Stroller!

    So, my wife and I are expecting twins in November, and we're looking at different stroller/car seat options. The Baby Trend Sit N Stand Tandem Stroller seems to fit our needs, but was wondering if anyone had any experience with it and if they found it to be a good purchase? Here's a link to it...
  2. M

    Graduated 10/3, but just posting now

    He is almost two weeks old, but I have been so busy enjoying him, I never got a chance to introduce him. Its been almost surreal. He is actually asleep on my chest as I am typing this. Jack Seamus, born 10/3/15 at 9:36 am VIA c-section. 8lbs 7oz and 20-3/4". See you fellas on the other side.
  3. C

    Preeclampsia and 34 Week Di/Di Twin Boys

    Hey there, My wife is 34 weeks pregnant with Di/Di boys last Thursday we were sent to L&D triage to address high blood pressure (140s/90s). After labs we found that her urine marker for preeclampsia was just over the 0.30 reference range at 0.34. Today we went in for a growth scan and twin A...
  4. S

    Miscarriage support

    I have seen a lot of miscarriage posts and want to act as a reassuring voice for those who have lost loved ones. My wife suffered a miscarriage and an ectopic and now we are at around 10 weeks gestation. I want to set the record straight on miscarriage risk. I feel that it should be normalized...
  5. Y

    The 2:30 am, tooth fairy forgot to break a $20, gas station run - was received well by the clerk (also a dad)

    Dads I felt like a piece of poop at 11pm, when I realized most places are closed in my area, that the tooth fairy would disappoint a 7 and 10yr old. But dad guilt woke me up and reminded me of the gas station that was now open 24/7 again. I went in and purchased an item and the clerk was more...
  6. B

    I know the gender and my wife doesn't. How can I mess with her without actually revealing anything?

    I can keep a pretty strong poker face so I'm trying to come up with ways I can troll my wife about the gender since she's decided not to know it yet. So I've got about 4 months to F with her. Suggestions welcome.
  7. S

    7 month’s no sex drive

    Hello fellow dads, I’m looking for some insight. My wife is 7 months post partum and has no sex drive. She’s exclusively breastfeeding/pumping. I was just curious on how long this period lasted. Obviously I’m helping with the baby, washing bottles and pump parts, giving her time alone, I cook...
  8. T

    It's happening!

    My wife is 37 weeks and her water broke this morning! I went to work as we weren't 100% sure it'd happen today, but she had the midwives confirm she definitely had her water break so they're saying we've gotta be induced today. Headed home to pack (thought we had more time, DON'T MAKE MY...
  9. H

    How many NB and 0-3 months clothes, socks, caps have you been stocking up?

    What's the split ratio between NB and 0-3 months?
  10. D

    Dealing with pregnancy after a miscarriage

    My wife got pregnant last March, we were over the moon excited. Had our ultrasound, heard the heartbeat emotions were high. Unfortunately we had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. It was very difficult and we were devastated. After months of trying to conceive again we finally did it. We are at 7 weeks...
  11. Z


    I have a 3 year old daughter, and it has been the joy of my life to be her Dad. She's just so happy, affectionate, smart, beautiful and well-adjusted. Since, she's come around I've been jotting down the important things I wish I'd or been told when I was younger. Below is my list so far. Dad's...
  12. S

    3 y/o son's cancer has grown back. Don't know how to cope

    Dear Daddit, today I received my son's MRI results following his radiotherapy treatment. It was the worst news and has hit me like a truck. His brain cancer has grown back in several new locations. I previously posted in AskDocs about his highly aggressive and very rare brain cancer, here...
  13. R

    Pack n play vs Crib?

    Me and my wife are going to use a (Graco) Pack n Play for the first 6 months of our daughters life and then move on to a crib. Anyone here do the same thing or have gone through the same process and ended up cribbing the whole way through?
  14. E

    2 v 3

    I’d love to get some thoughts on my situation. My wife and I have spent ages trying to decide whether or not to go for a third. We’ve got two boys (2 + 4) and my wife is desperate for a third. The stumbling block is that we are both in pretty busy jobs (hers more than mine), which means that...
  15. J

    We just finished ATLA and LOK. What should we watch next?

    My 7y.o daughter and I just finished watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra and I need some advice on what we could start next. We started watched Avatar a few months ago which was awesome because it brought back some sweet sweet nostalgia for me and it’s amazing watching my...
  16. E

    Worst 6 hours of my life

    My wife was pregnant with our second child. We had seen a beating heart at 8 weeks, so we were rather confident already. She was at 9+6 on Tuesday when she began spotting a little bit. She had never done that with our first so obviously, she got a little scared. She slept on it and in the...
  17. M

    What are your best mind blowers for kids under 5?

    Seeing my kids expressions when I do the simplest of tricks is one of my favorite things. The detached thumb, quarter behind the ear, disappearing behind a thrown blanket while not hitting your knee running into the other room, etc. They're not all magic tricks, just mind blowers in general. I'm...
  18. P

    3 months - 6 months. What I wasn't told about

    I have submitted a couple of these since my boy was born and I hope they were helpful. Here is what I wasn't told about with months 3-6. Teething sucks. Just when you got your sleep routine down and your little one sleeps through a couple of nights here and there BOOM teething. He's back to...
  19. N

    At what age do kids remember vacations?

    I would love to start taking my trips to bigger vacations, such as somewhere over seas or even just Disneyland. At what age is it worth it to splurge on a slightly expensive trip? They’re happy with play grounds and Chuck E Cheese, but it gets repetitive for my wife and I. A change of scenery...
  20. T

    It has been 7 sleep deprived weeks. AMA!!!1!

    So 7 weeks ago tomorrow my first child (a little girl) was born, we didn't know the gender until birth. Birth story is here but I'm at work (still mad about that) and don't feel like working that much so when I am at my desk I will field all questions honestly CAUTION though I have a sailor's...