
  1. X

    Pregnant with thyroid disease- feeling worse?

    Hi there- 12 weeks pregnant and my endo wants to switch me from Armour to Synthroid. Has anyone switched to just T4 while pregnant, and if so, how did it go for you? Did you get all of your hypo symptoms back? I’m worried about switching, as I’ve felt terrible on just synthetic before, but want...
  2. M

    Reservoir Q’s

    I just found out that my 29 weeker (he’s 3 weeks old as of yesterday) has an “urgent but not emergent” need for a reservoir—he had his 3rd brain scan today and the dilation is very severe and progressed quite a bit since last week. When the dr showed me the images, I nearly crumbled—it looks...
  3. S

    EWCM on O+1?

    So today is CD17, and I thought I ovulated at some point on CD16 because on CD15 morning I got a positive OPK (although barely, premom put it at 1.00). CD14 and CD16 were both negative. Also, this morning I recorded a 36.66 BBT when CD1-16 were all in the 35.9-36.4 range. I know you need 3 temps...
  4. C

    HSG rising 6 weeks post-D&C

    Hello r/TryingForABaby, I'm (36/f) hoping someone can shed some light on a situation I'm going through. I've searched through the subreddit and read everyone's thoughtful and sometimes painful posts. I couldn't find something that matched pretty closely to my situation and would love to access...
  5. C

    Cybex Anoris T i-Size

    I have been looking into buying this carseat for the baby. Though it has flying reviews and haa been rated one of the best in safety in Europe, I still cant info on maintenance like after the airbags have been deployed can the carseat be still used ?
  6. A

    Close Before You Doze!

    Reading through an earlier post about locking toddler doors at night, I saw tons of people saying they keep doors open at night for safety reasons (or put a toddler gate in the doorway). Rather than spamming 30 comments I thought I’d put out a general PSA. Research has shown it is very important...
  7. K

    Wondering who else has dealt with high acid levels?

    My daughter was born last Tuesday 5/30. She was born at 33 weeks and 3 days but came out very tiny for her age — 2lbs 6oz. Doctor’s primary concern is the high acid levels in blood. Current pH level is 7.43. The doctor believe it’s most either due to an infection, for which she’s on two...
  8. S

    Are there any positive long term outcome stories from babies on ECMO?

    UPDATE: My son came home from the NICU after 46 days not currently on oxygen and not on a g-tube. He did not end up needing ECMO. I had my son at 37+3 last Friday, March 10 in an unexpected c-section as a result of breech presentation discovered sudden low amniotic fluid when we went in to...
  9. R

    Feeding into mucous fistula - can it be done at home?

    Our full term 4 week old has been in the NICU/PICU since birth. It’s a complicated course, but the most recent reason he’s still admitted is that he had a bowel perforation, emergency surgery, and he’s still intubated after a very scary course with ARDS. He’s almost 2 weeks post-op. The...
  10. P

    Every item we've used for our 2-month old so far

    When I was pregnant I scoured the internet looking for a list like this, so I thought I'd share ours! These are the absolute essential (and a couple of non-essential) items we've used so far with our 2-month old baby girl. For some this might be excessive, for others not enough but this has...
  11. R

    Babies Won’t Eat

    First, I apologize for this rambling post… I’m not great at navigating Reddit and honestly, feel like I’m at my wit’s My twins (both female) were born at 31 weeks, 5 days after PPROM 24 hours earlier. I got steroid shots and magnesium in the 24 hrs leading up to the birth. Baby A was 3 lb, 6 oz...
  12. A

    How to remember the good times that happened in the NICU? (Long stay)

    Hi All- I posted before I had my baby (B) and everyone was so helpful with questions for the neonatology team! B, our little guy was born at 27/5 with IUGR. Today makes 4 weeks in the NICU, the first 3 weeks were a blur and I don’t remember them at all (I think just trauma brain). Now that...
  13. J

    S/O doesn’t understand the struggle

    Hi everyone. My partner and I have been ttc for almost a year. Im a 30(F) and he’s a 38(M). The ob I’ve been seeing allowed for us to undergo fertility work up, given his age and family hx of fertility issues (took his mom and dad 6 years to get pregnant with him.) thus far in the work up, I’ve...
  14. X

    Need help understanding

    Been trying for a baby for just over a year and is my second SA test. I am 29m and partner is 26f. Regular exercise and try to minimise processed foods. I know my morphology is low but doctor said my sperm count was good. Any advice will be appreciated. Semen volume 5.2 mL Semen pH level 8.0...
  15. I

    Cervix dilated at 27.5 w

    My cervix dilated to 3.7 cm at 27.5w and made it to 28w now with ibuprofen and magnesium sulphate. Any suggestions on how I can hold the baby longer , currently on complete bed rest except for using the restroom. Have any other parents had similar experiences? How did your babies do in the...
  16. 2

    Torn on being one and down

    My husband and I got pregnant unexpectedly a month after we got married. Although I had a pretty healthy pregnancy, I hated being pregnant. Birth was extremely difficult, I labored on and off for a week and had a c section. Recovery was super hard on me. I don’t like feeling immobile or self...
  17. A

    Not sure what to do next -- Low LH/ FSH/ Progesterone

    29, TTC for 8 cycles with 2 missed cycles in there (partner was unavailable to BD). BFN every time. No known health issues. No alcohol/ caffeine/ smoking at all, but I did consume 300MG of caffeine for 10+ years ,daily, until 5 months ago. Not sure if this matters. Also used to smoke weed...
  18. N

    Wedge or a U shape?

    I’ve been having trouble sleeping, my back has been stiff and finding a comfortable position has been tough. I looked at some pregnancy pillows and it seems like either I could go for the u shaped ones or a wedge but I’m confused which one would actually help me get restful sleep. Any advice?
  19. F

    Decreased appetite and increased sleeping

    Hey all. Baby born 33 weeks on sept 24. Currently 7 weeks adjusted. Noticed he’s sleeping more and eating way less. Used to down 150ml every 3 hours. Now he’s only getting 50mL before passing out. Called our pediatrician and she wasn’t concerned at all. Could this be a growth spurt or something?
  20. S

    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    Hi everyone, my daughter is currently 9 days shy of 6 months actual. She was born at 35 and 0 weeks via planned C section bc of my placenta previa/potential accreta. She was 6lbs and 1 oz with APGARS of 8/8 but was taken to the NICU because of mild respiratory distress. She was discharged on day...