
  1. C

    Heartbroken month after month - Looking for guidance on next steps

    Hello Reddit family, My wife (30F) and I (31M) have been trying since last August 2022 with no success. All the tests have come back normal according to her OBGYN. Here are her test results and my SA results. Her OBGYN says we're young, enjoy and not to worry too much. But it's getting...
  2. B

    Bath tubs/seat?

    Looking for suggestions for the bath. My 7 month old loves laying back and lounging in his skip hop moby bathtub however he’s basically outgrown the sling and he looks ridiculously uncomfortable when he’s trying to lay down. He gets a bit crazy sitting up in that tub so I’m not sure what our...
  3. J

    New to the NICU

    Our little Charlie bug was born at 27+4 on 4/20. We’re obviously very early on in what will be a very long NICU stay and would love some advice and encouragement. It’s hard not to feel that everything is unfair and that she doesn’t deserve to be in this situation, which I’m sure many of you can...
  4. A

    Need some internet cheering

    Hello all ! I'm anxious and need some internet cheering. For some context I hope to be pregnant soon with baby#2. For my first, he was kind of a oopsie (we had planned to try 2-3 months after finding out we were expecting). So for #2, I tried to be more prepared. I started to take prenatal...
  5. C

    Ovulation after D&C

    I had a D&C around 3 months ago at 12+5 weeks. Was traumatic enough for my body, after an earlier loss and another D&C 3 months prior. I didn’t have a period for 8 weeks after and had to take cytotec to start my period as it showed on a scan the blood accumulated and was ready to flow but uterus...
  6. S

    How to not be irrationally resentful at husband for getting full sleep every night?

    I take every night shift for our 6-week-old as I'm breast feeding. A couple weeks in I was going a bit crazy so I asked my husband to take 1 feeding a night. Initially asked him to take the early a.m. feeding at 5:30 or 6. For a variety of reasons he said he could not with work, etc. So gave him...
  7. S

    How do y’all handle explaining absences at work?

    I will finally begin going through the IUI process next month and am growing increasingly anxious about the need to miss work so often in the coming weeks. I work in a fairly small office and I really don’t want anyone to catch on to what I’m doing as rumors spread very quickly in such small...
  8. M

    Feeling Hopeless - transition to formula help?

    Hi! My son has been in the NICU for a week after being born via emergency c-section at 37 weeks. I’ve been pumping and have made good progress, but I just hate it. Baby is really refusing breastfeeding and to be honest I was on the fence about it anyway. My question is logistical— if I pump...
  9. S

    Abnormal semen analysis results

    Was just told I that we have to go back again and pay another $275 out of pocket because my husband's semen analysis came back as abnormal. Can anyone help explain his results to me? I have PCOS and was told I needed a semen analysis from my husband before I could continue with more Letrozole...
  10. L

    Best pack n play?

    Hello all! The last thing I need on my list is a pack n play. I want something that I can use in our bedroom as a bassinet to start with. Also something that is super easy to set up and take down. I've used my brother's basic Graco in the past when babysitting and it was so hard to set up...
  11. M

    New Dad looking to overcome the Fear

    My son was born at 33+4. My wife had gestational diabetes and the doctors determined he’d be safer on the outside so they induced. On my first trip down to the NICU to see my son officially, they told me he would need a surgical consult at another hospital, and he was quickly moved. Thankfully...
  12. C

    Help me interpret my CD3 labs!!

    I’ve been off Metformin since February (my doc doesn’t want to give me a refill before my next follow up) and now my period have been strange again. They asked me to get blood work done before my appointment soon. My results are in from my CD3 bloodwork and my HSG results form 2 months ago. I'm...
  13. M

    Feedings with Dr Brown’s nipple sizes - T too fast?

    My 33 weeker (now 38) has been exclusively bottle feeding using Dr Brown’s anti-colic bottles with the “P” preemie nipple since he came home. It’s been a few weeks and he has dramatically upped the demand of how much he eats daily (I posted before - he’s eating like a monster). With the size P...
  14. F

    How to make baby gain weight?

    Hello! My son will be 4 months tomorrow, 7 weeks corrected. He weighs 8 lbs 15 oz, discharged 1 week ago at 8 lbs 9.9 oz. We were sent home with an NG tube & continuous feeds from 10 pm - 7 am, only breast milk. Our pediatrician is trying to get him without the NG tube. So we stopped the...
  15. D

    What are you doing with baby stuff if you’re unsure?

    I have a 6 month old who is aging out of a lot of baby gear- her swing, bouncer, tub, bassinet, newborn car seat, etc. We put an investment into some of these items for sure. We’re not sure if we want another due to multiple factors including birth trauma, some really rough health impacts for...
  16. T

    Going 0-to-1 vs Going 1-to-2

    I'm trying to decide if I want to have a second child or not. My husband definitely wants as many as I'm willing have. Going from no kids to having one was a huge change for us. Annual trips we used to take, we can't do any more. I have no down time to myself in the evenings. Division of labor...
  17. F

    U.K. School Incident - how serious is this?

    My 13 year old boy was in class. The teacher left the room, another boy ran over to son and told him to move his legs or he will ‘rag him out of this chair’ - my son said no so the bully grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out of his chair, and threw him across the room. The boy then sat...
  18. D

    Unsure About Second Baby due to Birth Trauma

    Hello! Just as the title states I’m honestly trying to figure out if I am OAD or would like a second baby. My birth was a traumatic experience and quite honestly I don’t know if I want to risk doing it all again. My first pregnancy started out great, no major symptoms (just regular things-...
  19. N

    How often/long are you at the hospital?

    I live close to an hour away from where my hospital is and I have a 4 year old at home. I try to go to the hospital everyday but am only able to be there around 2-3 hours at a time. I’m usually able to feed my baby and pump and then just hold and cuddle him for around an hour and half. This past...
  20. E

    13 Hour Drive w/ 4 Month Old

    I am about to make a drive down to see my family with my four month old, husband not coming. Does anyone have tips/tricks/recommendations for such a long drive with a baby? I’m planning on leaving around 7 PM and driving as much as I can through the night so that she sleeps. Is that a horrible...