
  1. G

    Activity table vs baby walker

    To all parents, Is activity table a good alternative for baby walker? My SO is not on the board with idea of baby walker as statistics are showing head and neck injuries association with them! Thanks in advance 🙏
  2. 2

    Has anyone used the new Hubble Connected Nursery Pal Baby Monitor?

    In theory the Hubble Monitor is exactly what I want - it has a camera that can be wall-mounted, comes with a 5” device I can use at home and connects to an app that I can use when I’m away. However, it’s a fairly new product and every review I’ve found has been from a promotion so I am not sure...
  3. J

    Obsessing over this decision.

    Hi all - I am agonizing over the decision to have a second child or not. I feel like it was a super easy decision to have one, but after pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum (and the first year of broken sleep) I am so much more hesitant to have a second. Everyone around me is moving on to their...
  4. D

    Feeling lost and losing hope

    I’m going to be 30 this year and my husband 31. I have always had irregular cycles all my life. Blood work has always come back normal/optimal. My cycles have gotten better since the past 2 years but still average 1.5 - 2 months (sometimes more). Last year I had cycle where i had a lot of egg...
  5. V

    Which maternity leave option would you take ?

    Hi all first time mom here and below are the four options of mat/Pat leave my husband and I have between some state law and saved up vacations days. Which option should we take? Based on your experience of how the first several weeks will be (postpartum/sleep concerns) and what it is like having...
  6. A

    Leaving NICU anxiety

    We might be moving from the NICU to the “floor” and I’m having crazy anxiety about it. I just want to go from the NICU to home but I know it’s not possible she still has more to go. We’ve been in the nicu for 3 months now. I have two toddlers at home and I’m doing my best being at 2 places at...
  7. I

    Can I/should I ask NICU not to give my baby formula if we have enough EBM?

    NICU started my LO on formula today even though I’m supplying enough breastmilk and okayed using donor breastmilk. Is this normal? Do I have a say in this? They told me they’d start tomorrow and would gradually introduce it, not give it all in one bolus. But they started it today at 3p in one...
  8. G

    Coronavirus: Parenting Q&A

    Losing your mind at home? Here are some tips from a psychologist that might help you talk to your kids, your spouse, and yourself during these uncertain times. (hopefully, this is cool to post; feel free to take it down if not...
  9. J

    3 Chemicals .

    TW: Living child, recurrent chemical pregnancy Me and my partner are both 31, healthy BMI. I'm kind of not really sure what I want from this other than to rant a bit, and maybe get some second opinions.. I have a 2.5 year old who I conceived on cycle 4 (and really conceived the first time we...
  10. C

    Skip Hop Sit To Step High Chair

    I am looking at purchasing this high chair. I like the look of it and the fact that it converts to a step stool for toddlers. However the chair itself looks tiny. It doesn’t look like a baby older than 12 months would fit in it, even though the website says the high chair stage is designed for...
  11. T

    Can't get pregnant after 3 years of attempts

    I'm kind of at a loss for words and I'm unsure where to even go from here... My spouse and I have been trying to have kids every month for three years, even went to a fertility clinic this year to figure out what's going on and why we're not yet pregnant. After doing some tests and bloodwork the...
  12. S

    Full Term Baby, blood ox levels low to mid 90s

    Full term baby born 40+6 experienced respiratory distress of unknown origin that sent her to the NICU. She stabilized easily and has been on room air no canula for 2.5 days and has no signs of distress. Lung X-rays are clear, echocardiogram is clear, swallow studies clear. Baby is nursing and...
  13. J

    Baby won't accept breast nor formula - help!

    My baby started training for breastfeeding last week. His suction is pretty strong, but I noticed that nothing seems to come out of my boobs, and he would grown very frustrated, even though I know I have milk and can hand-express it with ease. The pediatrician came to examine us and saw that my...
  14. H

    No signs of ovulation a few cycles after D&C

    Hi folks, hoping to get some advice on my LH tests that seems a bit peculiar and is a cause of some stress. Historically, my follicular phase has been variable (ovulation on CD 25 to 32), but luteal phase has been regular (15 days after ovulation). had a missed miscarriage at 6 weeks in Nov...
  15. T

    How did weaning off oxygen go?

    Hello! My son was born at 34+5 and is currently 37+5 adjusted. He’s been on 0.3 L of oxygen for about a week now. Apparently there was some miscommunication between the doctors and nurses, the doctors thought he’s been at 0.1 L for days, but he’s still at 0.3 L. I asked to start weaning...
  16. O

    ROP in 9 month old experiences?

    Infant peripheral vision problems Does/Did anyone’s babies (Under 1) have issues with their peripheral vision? My girlie (9m actual) is having some odd symptoms I guess you would say, and myself and her physical therapist are questioning if she may have something wrong with her peripheral...
  17. S

    Unplanned 3rd

    14 weeks pregnant, 3rd child , youngest is 5. This was a planned pregnancy but I can’t help but feel regret and dread. I forgot how much you lose yourself in motherhood. How insecure you feel while pregnant . I don’t know if I should start taking antidepressants, I’m so scared it will harm the...
  18. D

    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    I’m 47, my wife is 43. Last September we had the 20th anniversary and in November we finally went to the Dr and the wife was pregnant. Pregnancy went fine until last week. The wife’s BP shot up so they decided to induce early. Baby was due June 15th. We had him on May 23rd. Delivery was fine...
  19. K


    Does any one have any experience with pneumomediastinum? The NICU told me today that my baby boy of 31 5/7 weeks has it. He was born on the 20th with some breathing issues but the X-Rays didn't show anything until today...They were hoping to give him surfactant but now they can't :/. I was...
  20. K

    Progesterone: to take or not to take?

    Hi y’all, Alright, here’s the sitch. We’ve been doing monitored, medicated, timed intercourse cycles. I’ve been put on progesterone supplementation after ovulation for the past 4 months because while I ovulate on my own, I do have a LPD. I had covid this month and we had to cancel our...