
  1. C

    Amnio for NT 3.0mm?

    I’m 40. - NT scan measured 3mm, which was flagged as borderline normal. - NIPT was tagged as low risk at 1/10,000. - Anatomy scan at 20 weeks measurements were at 10th percentile on all fronts (CRL, head, abdomen, femurs), which OB said is normal as I’m very petite (5’0”, 90 pounds, I’m...
  2. E

    Big brother going to prek soon! How can I best protect baby?!

    My oldest is starting prek this month and I didn’t even think of the germs he’ll be exposed to and bringing home…. Baby was in NICU for 32 days and will be 4mo soon. I was told to sanitize for 3mo but I’m still doing it. I’m so so terrified of him getting sick. We’ve done well so far but today...
  3. P

    9 yrs ttc for #1.

    Hey everyone: Ttc for last 9 years, I'm 30 and my husband is 31. We had unexplained infertility. Eventually found out my husband needed to have surgery (varicocele repair) due to having high white blood cells in his sperm. His samples are typically on the lower scale in all categories. My...
  4. G

    Absolutely insane digestion

    Hello! I’m 35(f) FTM so just a nervous Nellie all around. Went in for my first ultrasound yesterday and saw the heartbeat and everything looked good which was reassuring at the time but now I’m back to being worried again (I’m about 7w5d btw) I would say the vast majority of my pregnancy I have...
  5. C

    Found out I’m pregnant again

    Throwaway account because I have family members whom I have not told. I have a 9 month old daughter and found out a few weeks ago I am expecting again. This is an unplanned pregnancy and I am considering terminating. We knew right away when our daughter was born that we wanted 2 children, but we...
  6. R

    Uppababy Minu vs Bugaboo Butterfly vs ???

    Looking for a second, (ultra)compact stroller. Primary stroller is a Demi Grow (I’m not a fan of Nuna’s smaller strollers). Baby is currently 6mo, and we have the Nuna Pipa car seat. I don’t necessarily need the stroller to be compatible with the car seat but it would be nice (I realize I’ll...
  7. S

    Theory on diagnosis?

    So, I feel like I’m going crazy. I feel like my providers are way too casual and it’s been all year long and I feel more confused than when I started. Was given diagnosis of stage 3 endo— only finding were small endo cysts 1/ ovary. Don’t cause me pain or anything.. didn’t even know they were...
  8. C

    Should I be worried?

    I’m 38, will be 39 in August and this is my 3rd pregnancy. I have two amazing boys 18 and 13, and didn’t have pregnancy worries with them. I had my first appointment two days ago at 5 weeks and 5 days. My dr scheduled an ultrasound in 2 weeks and did labs. I got the results back on the app today...
  9. T

    Looking for feedback on car seat situation, in an awkward in-between phase

    As parents, how would you feel about not having a 3 yo in a harness? My 3'5'' tall 3 yo daughter will reach 40 lbs soon (she was 38.9 lbs a month ago) and her current car seat is only rated to 40 lbs. I know there are convertable seats w/harnesses for over 40lbs (I have one my 5 yo is currently...
  10. S

    Semen Analysis Results are confusing

    So my doctor had my husband do a semen analysis which makes sense because he only has one testicle. He had testicle torsion (I believe that’s what it’s called) and lost the other. But I’m not sure how to interpret the results, our fertility doctor is saying the only thing that’s wrong is that...
  11. A

    SAHP guilt... I feel like I’m not pulling my weight

    I’m not sure what I’m asking for with this post. Maybe advice? Reassurance? Strategies? I stay at home with my daughter who is 8mo. This is ‘normal’ in the UK as most mothers take 9-12 months maternity leave. However, I have handed my notice in and won’t be going back to work for the...
  12. K

    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    After 21 days of hospitalization with pre-eclampsia (about which many of you shared your own journeys), our little dragon was born at 29 weeks exactly. If you had a little one born between 28 and 30ish weeks, I’d love to hear the story of their NICU stays. Would be great to hear: Their birth...
  13. W

    Ongoing difficulty bottle feeding

    Hi all, Looking for an advice/ideas around ongoing feeding issues. Baby born at 30 weeks, now 12 weeks adjusted and has been home for 12 weeks. We have continued to have issues with feeding on and off and we can’t figure out why. He is on 26kcal neosure in breast milk due to slow weight gain...
  14. T

    WTAF OPKS - Clomid round 3

    I’m awaiting my first fertility doc appt next month and I’m on my last cycle of OB prescribed clomid (50 mg) on CD 3-7. OPKs and my regular periods have told me that I’m ovulating, so I’m only taking clomid to hyperovulate. Last 2 rounds of clomid were “successful” because of my pretty high...
  15. S

    Tubal ligation reversal

    I gave birth to my son in October. He was my third c-section and my second emergency c-section. My husband and I had briefly talked about having a tubal if I had to have another c-section, but hadn't made a complete decision. Well, as we were sitting in the operating room after having been run...
  16. N

    Advice for bringing baby home

    We finally got to bring baby home today! Our girl was born at 32+1 and is now 35+6. She was a PPROM baby so we got to do the round of steroids. Luckily she didn’t have any breathing problems besides being on O2 nasal cannula for a couple of days. Any advice or tips on bringing your preemie home...
  17. G

    Bleeding in early pregnancy, chemical pregnancy?

    I had a MMC in 3/12 after almost a year of infertility. Ever since my D&C I've been getting a wipe of bright red blood every 4-5 days along with brown spotting. I tested negative on 4/1 but positive on Thursday. I had my hcg tested Friday and it was 24. I go in tomorrow for a repeat hcg but I'm...
  18. B

    Confused on ultrasound results

    I thought I had a partial/slight bicornate uterus since my first ultrasound in 2010. I had 4 ultrasounds between 2010 and my last one in 2019 due to endometriosis and suspected cysts. However after looking at the record i requested im guessing I have a septate uterus 🤷‍♀️ Hoping to get some...
  19. M

    Convertible car seat

    We were gifted Chico convertible car seat and so far it’s just fine - although I expected more from it. I REALLY hate that I have to dig for the straps because they fall in. Anyway. I want to buy a second for my car. Preferably a much easier to handle one. I looked into maxi Cosi but my friend...
  20. B

    Was 100% OAD. Now confused. 37(f) w/ 6+ age gap. What would you do?

    I feel really confused about whether to have another kid or not and looking for some advice/feedback on what to do. I’m 37 (f) married to a 41(m) and we have a 5 y.o daughter. Never planned to have two- in fact I was strongly one and done, but the idea to have another hit me like a ton of bricks...