
  1. J

    TTC is a huge mindf**k!!!

    Hubby and I are at the very start of our TTC journey. I ended a five year relationship with my little copper buddy last week, and have found that it has been messing with my mind. It is such a huge mental switch going from spending the last 23 years doing everything in my power to prevent...
  2. S

    Cake for 1st birthday?

    Hello, My son was born at 30+0 at 3.4lbs, 16.5in. He endured a 52 day NICU stay, avoiding any major complications along the way (woohoo)! He's now 9 1/2 months old (7 months adjusted) and I'm beginning to brainstorm for his 1st birthday party. I'm feeling conflicted about cake. Since he will...
  3. K

    Should I have another?

    Hi all, I’ve been surfing on this page for a bit reading other posts about going from 1-2. Im hoping some experienced parents here can help. Sorry if this is a long post, I have so many questions in my head and no one to ask in real life haha! Some background- I’m 28, hubs is 36, our toddler is...
  4. J

    B12 came out high 848 pmol/L

    Hello, I’m really hoping someone can provide some insight. 32F hoping to become pregnant soon. I recently got blood work done and everything looked good except by B12 came out high 848 pmol/L. I read the Oxford study that said high levels of b12 (and/or folate) can cause greater risk for autism...
  5. E

    Will it ever happen?

    Hi all, so some background .... F(35) TTC number 2 for around 2 years now. I have 1 daughter conceived naturally and born Nov 2020 via C section. Blood tests revealed I've low amh at 0.7 and FSH at 7 (I think). Seman is fine also and within ranges. Had 1st MC in July 2023, 2nd MC in April 2024...
  6. S

    What else should I be doing?

    Bit of background myself (33F) and partner (35M) have been trying to conceive for the last 9 months. Other than low AMH (4pmol / 0.55ng) everything else has come back normal, including partners sperm. AFC = 9 and FSH 8. I’ve been charting & using LH strips. My charts are perfect. 14-15 day...
  7. C

    Long-ish Cycles, Free Fluid, Light Bleeding..

    I’m not sure what to make of my situation.. 28(F) Had miscarriage July 2023. Been TTC since December 2023. Since my MC, I sometimes get twinges and pains in the pelvic area. The amount of days I bleed during my period has gone from 4 to 3 (2 days of consistent bleeding and the 3rd is mainly...
  8. M

    L&D nurse gift baskets?

    Hi hi! We just had our baby boy 4 weeks ago. He needed some help so he spent about 5 days in the NICU. I had the most incredible L&D nurse, and 2 amazing NICU nurses during our stay. I want to get them something special as a thank you. Any ideas? I’m thinking about $25 per gift.
  9. J

    Babyzen Yoyo with a newborn bassinet as the only stroller?

    Hi all. We live in a walk-up apartment on the 2nd floor with very limited storage and won’t be moving for at least a year. There’s no common storage on the first floor, so my plan is to keep the stroller in the car trunk. After extensive research and trying out major full-size stroller brands...
  10. M

    Been drinking lean n poppin percs n I found out I was pregnant

    Pls no hate, I legit am on birth control and am safe. Being pregnant was not in the books I am young and in school. But yea I just found out I’m pregnant & I legit have been smoking weed, popping percs & sipping ratio. About 30 ml in a 2L almost every night for the past few months, I am only 5...
  11. S

    Older parents (39F&and43M) thinking about having a second child

    We are a very solid couple who welcomed our son in 2021. We are now thinking about adding another; I am more in favor and my husband is more reticent, but I keep going back & forth in my head about it, and time is running out since I don't want to get pregnant well into my 40's (assuming I even...
  12. D

    PPROM’d at 30+2, currently 30+4, getting cerclage removed today

    Hey everyone! I PPROM’d at 30+2 days, and had the opportunity to get both steroid shots in for baby’s lungs, and I’m on antibiotics to fight infection (no infection currently). No cause of the PPROM aside from the fact I had a short cervix and needed to get a cerclage at 22 weeks. Today I get my...
  13. M

    LH/EWCM questions

    Hi, I’m just wondering if anyone knows the answer to this question Does your LH surge drop at the exact moment when the egg is released or does it drop when the egg doesn’t get fertilized after the 12-24 hours its alive? I hope that makes sense I also wondered if anyone has experienced only...
  14. J

    Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

    Our 31+0 girl is slated to stay in the NICU for 8 weeks. My insurance covers 90% of the bill, I cover the remaining 10%. Has anyone been in a similar situation? What kind of price tag am I looking at? And what happens if I can’t pay…? Bonus points if anyone is in NYS and knows of programs...
  15. N

    Has anyone got a mountain buggy urban jungle with carrycot plus?

    I have been looking at prams and really like the look of the mountain buggy urban jungle with carrycot plus (suitable for overnight sleeping)...
  16. A

    Help me eat lunch!

    I’m a SAHM to three boys— a 4.5 yo and twin 1.5 yo’s. I’m basically drowning in chores and tasks all day long and feeding meals to everybody, changing diapers, changing them again, doing baths, etc. So what I’m wondering is, what do other SAHP’s eat during the day? Lately I’ve been resorting...
  17. A

    “we weren’t even trying!”

    I’ve seen a few people comment on here that they have friends / know of people who got pregnant accidentally / weren’t even trying. And I’ve read how hurtful that is to hear. It is honestly one of the hardest things for me to hear, too. But I wanted to offer a little perspective on that comment...
  18. K

    If you or your partner was hospitalized for pre-eclampsia prior to delivering your little one, tell me about your experience

    I am currently 27w2d, have been hospitalized for a week, and will be here until I deliver. I’ve had a hard time finding other experiences like mine. If you experienced this, I’d love to hear: What week+day were you admitted, what week+day did you deliver, and how many days total was your...
  19. O

    I don’t like my daughter’s friend. And they’re 7

    Asking for some advice here. My daughter has grow. Up with an 8yo girl across the street. We enjoy play dates but the more time we spend together, the more I find myself not liking the type of person this 8yo is growing into. Things that bother me: 1) Constant comparison. “My house is bigger...
  20. B

    IUI ttc 3 years seeking advice

    38y/o F, husband 38y/o M ttc 3 years. Unexplained infertility and low amh and “age factor” go straight to IVF recommendation from reproductive endocrinologist. My husband has lower sperm and morphology volume 1.5ml, motility 57%, morphology 3%, abnormal 97% but Urologist and Repro endocrinology...