
  1. H

    Is there a reason I should consider an infant seat and not just going straight to the convertible?

    I’m looking into the new Chicco Fit360 for my baby joining us in September, however I am seeing so much about infant seats I wonder what are the benefits of starting with one instead of going straight to the convertible? A few personal contexts: - I live in the Appalachian South, so weather can...
  2. P

    What do you like and dislike about your jogging stroller? I’m overwhelmed

    I’m so extremely overwhelmed by the jogging stroller options. I am purchasing one to use with my almost 1 year old, primarily around the neighborhood. I thought hearing what others like and don’t like about their stroller might be helpful. There doesn’t seem to be much of a used market in...
  3. C

    Risk factors when you’ve already had a special needs child

    Unexpectedly expecting at 41 (7 weeks today). My kiddos are 8 and 11 so it’s been awhile since I’ve been through this and I was under 35 at the time. I remember there being standard genetic testing, but I’m wondering what to expect this time around. My oldest has significant support needs (what...
  4. L

    Low AMH - 6.5pmol/L - Looking for thoughts/advice/a hug

    Hello! Looking for some other thoughts/opinions. My husband and I have been trying on our own for 15 months now to conceive, and last month we had our first appointment with a fertility specialist (we are in Perth, Australia). After a cycle of tracking with bloods, and ultrasounds, which...
  5. K

    1.4 nmol/l hydroxoprogesterone

    Hi ladies, hoping you can help with reading my blood test results while I wait for my Endocrinologist appointment. I’ve just received results stating my hydroxoprogesterone is 1.4 nmol/l - I’m not sure whether this is cause for concern. I’ve read that low results like this are tied to women who...
  6. I

    Which one?

    So, my husband had heart palpitations and blood pressure spikes using “Blue Stork” from Pink stork. I used the woman’s version and saw my O day come a few days early, but obviously we’re still here. So, I want to try something else for both of us. I’m not trying to break the bank though...
  7. W

    Letrozole Ultrasound: Will I Not Ovulate This Cycle Too?

    Hi! I’m on my first medicated cycle: 1. Provera - to induce period after 70+ days without one (bless, it worked!) 2. Letrozole 2.5mg starting on day 3 - for ovulation induction) Having preovulation symptoms (e.g. transition from creamy to very watery CM) and with today being day 5 after...
  8. M

    Am I wrong ?

    My baby was born at 25 weeks + 2 days he’s currently 29 weeks 6 days gestation age so 30 weeks tomorrow and I live about 40-hours always from the nicu me n my fiancé share a car n always go later at night when he’s done working to go see the baby so about 11 is the time we get there. I always...
  9. A

    Advice needed on mid cycle spotting

    I've been doing IVF since 2019 and TTC since 2016 with ZERO pregnancy. I did stims in the beginning of cycle and got cancelled due to poor response. Today is CD 15 and I started spotting last night and this morning. The blood is brown and red but it's not a flow. I can only see the blood when I...
  10. J

    Is it madness to have another baby at 42-43?

    What does everyone think? Do you have any positive experience to share? All perspectives welcome. Both very fit and healthy for our ages, we have one little boy together (7) I’m not bothered about the age gap at all.. but Ive heard late 40s are vastly different, plus there are risks in...
  11. A

    When did you decide to use embryos vs continue to try naturally? TTC for 9 months, 1 mc. I’ll be 40 in 2 month

    I froze my eggs several years ago as I was single and wanted a backup plan. When my partner and I decided to try, we thawed and fertilized my eggs to see if/how many embryos we’d get. We have 3 euploid (healthy embryo, we did PGT-A testing). We’ve been trying naturally for 9 months - so not too...
  12. J

    Travelling with 8 months (6.5 months corrected)

    We are planning to take our 34 weeker baby for a 2 weeks vacation in Europe at the beginning of summer. We are from Canada and this will be baby’s first big trip. She will be 6.5 months corrected then. Her paediatrician is okay with the plan. Any advice on what should we keep in mind in...
  13. C

    Need Insights on My SA Results & Advice for Improvement on Clomid

    I’m looking for some insights into my sperm analysis results. I started taking Clomid on 12/17/2023 to address fertility issues, possibly related to my past exogenous testosterone use. After nearly 4 months on Clomid (110 days by the time of the second analysis), here are my comparative results...
  14. P

    Another day, another question

    Hazy Lungs in X-rays Our child has been in the NICU coming up on 2 months. He was born 37 weeks +2, IUGR (5lb 2 oz). Has always had respiratory complications such as retractions and struggling to take breaths. His chest X-rays the past few weeks have consistently shown hazier lungs. They’ve...
  15. T

    Help on when to track ovulation w irregular

    Hello everyone ! I purchased some ovulation strips a while back and had been struggling with irregular periods (could have been due to stress , still not sure ) . Anyway I wanted to know if anyone has been through this or has any tips ? My las period was the first week of December . Then I...
  16. K

    Sleep Sacks: Can someone explain TOGs to me please?

    My tall almost-5-month-old has just about outgrown her summer-weight cotton-muslin sleep sack, so we’re ready to upgrade on both size and warmth, but I’m confused on just how warm to go. All the shops seem to be stocked up on and pushing 2.5 TOG and when I read the temperature charts, it says...
  17. D

    Does anyone have any links to good parent and toddler exercise videos?

    We have some not too great weather coming up so the usual walk to the park play in the park and come home isn't going to be feasible. YouTube is preferred. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  18. D

    Aspirating During Feeds

    My 39 + 6 baby girl was born on December 5 at 34 weeks. My water broke (PPROM) at 26 weeks and she stayed in until a scheduled C-section at 34 weeks. The biggest complication was underdeveloped lungs due to a lack of fluid for those weeks after my water broke. She made great progress at first...
  19. G

    Vista, Should I Keep It?

    So I decided on an Uppababy Cruz after thinking about the Bugaboo Fox/Donkey, Silvercross Whatevers, and some Nuna Acronyms. Our main goals were to have bassinet compatibility, low weight and ease of use. Uppababy has the travel protection if you buy their bags, so that was major since we...
  20. R

    Low sperm count & motility - is this fixable?

    hello fellow TTC friends, my husband just received his SA results and we're absolutely devastated: 0.7 million/mL sperm (Severe oligospermia, normal is 20-200 million/mL) 2.8 million total sperm count (>= 40m is considered normal) WBC = "few" (normal is none or rare) 5% motile sperm (low) poor...