yOuR bOdY iS mAdE fOr ThIS


New member
Full disclaimer, I completely understand how this line can give people comfort and if that works for you, super!

But I’m really tired of reading this line at 31 weeks. Idk, maybe it’s because I’ve been see-sawing between hungry because the smaller portion I’m eating to help with heartburn actually isn’t filling my stomach, or indigestion because wait one more bite means it’s too much food for my stomach. And that’s not even including the increased fatigue, and the whole can’t breathe as easily, difficulty sleeping.

So I’m not sure if my body is made for pregnancy. I just want to eat a whole burrito without feeling ill.
@simons Not sure if this helps, but I agree with you. Our bodies really aren't made for this like other animals. Naturally, without medical intervention, humans have some of the worst birth outcomes among any mammal on earth. We evolved in a really weird way (I've seen various talks on how our babies got bigger but our bodies didn't catch up with the change). Don't let people gaslight you into toxic positivity lol
@mamajobrooks Also, they way we shifted to biped really did a number on our lower backs and our pelvis isn't exactly ideal for the situation. It's like we still haven't evolved a good way to deal with all the weight that is now put on the sway of our lower backs, plus how modern life makes it even worse.

Someone else said this before, but I definitely agree if you need a little positivity lol. We may be structurally screwed, but at least we aren't horses
@simons Oh for real. It can be a great motivator for some, and for others a slap in the face for feeling less perfect if they're struggling. Same for if any intervention is needed.

Mine was doritos. I was obsessed with eating them but had the worst cramps and headaches after. Like why not let me eat the dang crisps body?!
@simons I get out of breath even rolling over at night sometimes. I can't bend down to wash my legs without feeling sick or uncomfortable so I've had to buy a back washer loofah with a long handle to make sure I can still get my legs comfortably. I struggled to put shoes with shoelaces on today. These are only a few of the things I struggle with. I'm only 29 weeks 😅 yeah my body may be made or designed for this but that doesn't mean it has no affect on the rest of my body/bodily functions/life in general 😂😂

Luckily I've only heard this comment directed at me a few times, once or twice from a man, but mostly from nurses and midwives or even other mothers who say it to comfort me when I express how nervous I am about actually giving birth. I don't mind it in the context of "it's alright, plenty of people give birth every day and they're fine, you'll be fine", when talking specifically about labour. I like it less when it's about the rest of the pregnancy haha
@simons 30 weeks here and for the past month I’ve been known to exclaim ‘it’s 2021, there has to be a more efficient way of having babies now than actually being pregnant!’. I’m tired. I ache. I’m cranky. Everything is gassy. I am bored of people and their need to comment on everything
@simons Agreed! Just because female bodies are made for procreation does NOT mean it's easy for everyone. That line is so dismissive and does what people have always done to us for eternity - dismiss our pain by calling it "discomfort", tell us we're being dramatic or hysterical and not believing us or taking us seriously.
@simons Oh god I have hg and I'm still sick/fatigued/losing weight/generally not having a good time as I head in to 20 weeks. I do NOT feel like my body is made for this!
@simons Ugh yes! So frustrating! I have GERD and take pepcid which helps with the heartburn, but I would love to down a whole burrito with chips and queso with a lime margarita on the rocks (or 2). I just keep saying it's only temporary, it's only temporary, it's only temporary.
@simons I have never in my life felt more at odds with my body as during pregnancy and now postpartum recovery. I can honestly say, In my experience, my body is not made for this. SPD during pregnancy, medical induction, separated pubis symphysis from delivery, vaginal tearing, postpartum hives and this morning I discovered what I think is uterine prolapse. And I still want another baby :( but I’m honestly not sure my body can take all of this again.
@simons My body was actually not made for this at all. I have scoliosis an the last two months of pregnancy were torture. I was on bed rest because the weight was messing up my hip.
@simons Yea some days it's amazing to hear and some days it sucks. On a completely serious note though - I wonder, maybe our bodies were at some point 100% made for this but life itself changed so much that I'm not sure it's true anymore 😅 Legit some of modern hospital settings for birth our counter productive to our bodies settings for birth. Or our food industry. Idk, sorry I know it was just a rant and I made it serious but I've been thinking a lot about this lately exactly because of what you said 😂
@cberra Agreed that our modern diet is not great for pregnancy. Sure it’s good to have easy access to energy but a lot of ppl are actually nutrient deficient. Too much processed foods.

I do think that there have been many helpful medical developments and where you choose to give birth will greatly affect your experience. Unpopular opinion maybe but I feel like the phrase ‘your body was made for this’ leads a lot of women to avoid medical interventions that would help with easier healthier births. Self-education on different procedures is important and it’s important to get different opinions from experienced practitioners before making conclusions. Luckily there are multiple doctors and nurses who have personal social media platforms to educate the public. It’s been really helpful for my partner snd I.
@mechie Same, I am very greatful for the recent trend of medical professionals sharing on social media, it helped us become far more informed and empowered in this process!

Like everything - there has to be a balance!!!
@simons Buy OTC Famotidine...take 20- 40 mg twice daily...heartburn be gone!!! Tums doesn't do anything! I got heartburn from bananas, bread, was awful. Generic Famotidine worked wonders.

I had terrible heartburn from week 17 until the end...kiddo had a full head of hair when born. Old wives tale?

FYI My heartburn instantly went away within an hour after his birth. They also gave me special acid reflux meds (special elixer) for the Csection so I could lay down comfortably in my back without the burning sensation.