Worried about my nephews


New member
So we have K (12m) and S (8m). Parents divorced, prefer mom, dad was mentally/physically abusive. The younger one likes his dad and the older one wants almost nothing to do with him. Because of the abuse K has almost no self esteem, eating problems, and is extremely introverted.

The dad has a history of violence and abuse, chronically unemployed, run ins with the law, drove Uber so he could visit sex workers- you get it??

I’m worried because of the boys temperaments. K is painfully shy and prefers his room and video games. S is a husky rough and tumble kid who is high energy. S keeps making comments that… scare me.
  1. We were walking and S asked if I ever wanted to eat a person. He then asked is it “that bad” if he ate himself, starting with his feet and working his way up.
  2. He talks about stabbing, killing, shooting
  3. He said he could beat me up (multiple times)
4.Watching a movie and he started to hit me (not hard) but I had to set a boundary and let him know that hitting isn’t ok.

I’m getting school shooter vibes. Interested in opinions here. I’m just visiting so this isn’t “my problem” but still concerned.

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