Will I regret only having 1 child?

@fallingapart In another sub I saw a comment that stuck with me. It was: imagine you and your spouse are old, and just finished setting a beautifully decored thanksgiving table, complete with candlelight, loads of food, drinks, deserts etc. Your adult children are on their way to spend the holiday with you. For how many have you set your table?
@fallingapart Np :) it made me realise I wanted way more kids than we can problably afford, financially and mentally 🙈 so we have decided to take each child as it comes, and let fate decide. We began late in the game, we had our first last year at 33 years old. And we are in no hurry. If we are still fertile and having kids at 43, be it child number two or number five, it's welcomed by us. And if we end up having no more kids, then at least we have our perfect, awesome little dude of a son to spend the next few years with, exploring the world through his eyes. Then he gets more time with us, v.s. having more time with possible future siblings. Each scenario has it pros and cons. But either way it goes, I am so excited for the future 🥰
@fallingapart I swear I thought I wrote this at first! I have 1 beautiful 18 month babygirl and I constantly question myself about having more but me and my husband were both told we couldn’t have kids so she’s our miracle! My postpartum was horrible and I have health issues so I know having another one would take away from our daughter. I also worried about if we tried and it not happening how disappointed I might be. So I’m enjoying being a mama to 1 and done, she’s my world! Do what’s best for you and your family! ♥️ all the love and good vibes 💕