Wife having terrible gas pain, tried everything (6W)


New member
Alright guys, I'm not looking for medical advice here, just really hoping to look a little bit outside the box, because I must have read every website on pregnancy pains and still haven't found a way to make it easier for my wife.

2 weeks ago, we found out that wife is pregnant with our first child. We were trying for it and were ecstatic to learn the news. We want a child and we're so happy it's finally time! Luckily, wife has not had any nausea or morning sickness to this point, which we're hoping continues, but she's been having awful gas/bloating pain for the last 7 days.

It got so bad we had to spend the night at the emergency on Friday. They did all the tests (gyn, ultrasound, blood, urine) and found nothing. Wife has IBS and has always been more sensitive, but she's panicking now because for the last 4 days, at around 1-2 AM, she's been hit by 8-9 level pain. Last night she passed out on the toilet for a few seconds before I woke her up. It's getting to the point where she does anxiety thinking about going to bed because of how much it will hurt her, like it's unavoidable. She won't be able to last 8 more months like this, especially since we're always nervous for the baby. Can't be good to have mommy sleep only a few hours a night and scream from the pain on the toilet every night.

It's tough right now because we don't have a doctor (we requested one and have been waiting) and we've tried pretty much everything we thought of or were advised to by pharmacists and the hospital doctor. They did prescribe a stool softener (not really an issue as my wife has been able to get stuff out, it's really just the gas that doesn't seem to reach the end (despite massages, Gas-X, yoga, etc.)

For the information, wife drinks 3-4 L of water a day, doesn't smoke nor drink, she eats enough fiber and also generally eats very well. We've cut all dairy for a few days now (because she was eating cottage cheese for lunch every day before that), but it hasn't really had an impact yet as she's still super bloated from gas that's seemingly impossible to get all out.

Did anybody's SO have a similar experience here? And if so, what did you do that worked to at least ease the pain from bloating? We've tried all of the obvious and well-tested ideas, but would be willing to try any SAFE outside the box suggestion, especially if it worked from your personal experience.

Thanks everyone!
  • Cut out legumes
  • Maybe she’s eating too much fiber?
  • Make sure she’s moving around throughout the day
  • Is she in an environment where she’s holding in her flatulence throughout the day?
@micaelamicaela Worst thing sometimes is she feels like she has gas and diarrhea but just can't get it out, somehow (stupid human body). So if you look up those symptoms, everything would suggest eating fiber. But then you have gas and bloating and fibers can be the problem. Sigh, why are we built like this lol.

Also, no she WFH so no problem with letting it out anytime she needs too. She does try and walk indoors as much as possible (when not hurting) and we go for walks when the weather permits it.
@adislov How long is it lasting for when it happens? This sounds a lot like what I was experiencing from wks 4-7 (I'm female) and it DID stop. I have crohns disease. Mine happened around 12:30pm ish like after I would wake up from a nap. It is like you say, truly awful. I would try to poop and then end up getting in a cold shower and eventually I'd feel it subside. It didn't last my whole pregnancy. Only a couple weeks. I feel like it went on for about 30mins-1hr? Is that how long it's lasting for her? Are you able to be up with her through it since she blacked out? If she doesn't want to shower since it's middle of the night try some cold wet clothes on her stomach or back or wherever she thinks might feel good.

I don't think cutting any foods or any meds will help, unfortunately :( I hardly even ate during my first trimester and was super sick for it but this bit was the absolute worst thing. I hope it gets better for her!
@nelehjr It wakes her up at night and lasts 30-60 minutes of intense pain (7-9 on scale of 10), then usually subsides. I always get up and stay with her to make sure she doesn't fall, because this really weakens her and she could fall easily. Warm pads help a bit, but we don't want to keep them on the belly too long either because of the baby
@adislov I never tried warm but the cool helped me and this sounds really similar to what I went through around this time. Try the cool too and see.... I hope it can help. Know that it won't last forever. I'm so sorry it's happening for her too. It was so awful.
@nelehjr Thank you so much for sharing. Honestly, just knowing that others have had similar experiences is helping a ton, especially after the doctor basically said "too bad, nothing we can do"
@adislov I had some painful gas pressure that caused my stomach to hurt. Not nausea but just pain. I threw up from it and eventually it went away. It was one of the more painful things I've experienced. My husband had gotten me a handful of over the counter meds and a few days later I started feeling sharp gas pains on the way home from work. It was painful to turn to check my blind spot. I got home and couldn't stand up straight. I tried mylanta and within seconds the pain started to go away and then was completely gone. It was crazy but I was so happy! I'm not sure what meds you've tried, if you haven't tried this one maybe give it a shot?
@simplelivingnow Mylanta doesn't seem to be available in Canada and the closest equivalent (Maalox) is not suggested for pregnant women.

For now, she's been taking Gas-X, Dicyclomine (prescribed) and Pepcid.
@adislov Gas pain sucks. I used over the counter meds called de-gas that helped with bloating and she may find omeprazole or esomeprazole helps too especially if she is getting any other gastrointestinal symptoms like reflux or burping. Certain positions like sitting cross legged or knees up lying down and exercises can assist in getting those farts out! And yes cut down on cruciferous veg, legumes, dairy and see if it makes a diff. It does pass.
@adislov We were in your exact spot a couple of weeks ago—ER and everything. Gas-X and Beano helped, but maybe more important was being really careful with diet and cutting out foods that cause gas for a few days.

Also, it’s possible that it’s not just gas pain—my wife has endometriosis and was prescribed a progesterone hormone suppository that helped a ton. Many women who have endometriosis aren’t aware they have it. Apparently it can help women without endometriosis too.

If the situation persists call OBs in your area, explain the situation and beg for an appointment, hopefully one of them will be able to get you in. Good luck—my wife is completely fine now and just two weeks ago we were considering terminating the pregnancy because she was in so much pain. Hope your situation works out too.
@adislov Daily fiber supplement? Even if she's not constipated it helps regulate the system and prevent gas. Though as someone else suggested, it could be she's actually eating too much fiber.
@adislov My wife had to get some gas medicine. It was pretty rough, pretty sure she got a prescription at her 2nd checkup. 2nd trimester was EZPZ and such a breeze, barely noticed she was pregnant. Now she’s in 3rd and said “There’s no more room in there! I need to make room!” And will let one rip. It’s a thing lol