wHy iS yOuR bAbY cRyInG?!?

@rj7tennstars Oh I get that one too! I switch between “she ran off with the circus” (when the person asking is irritating me) and “their other dad? He’s insert location here” (when they seem genuinely curious).
@airel My wife quit her job to be a SAHM. My MIL is constantly asking her when she is going to work and sends her jobs multiple times per day. I don’t get how she doesn’t understand that she quit her job for a reason
@cruz89 Have your spouse take a job, then dump the kid on the MIL 3 days a week because "I have a job now, thank you so much for suggesting it!"... See how quickly your MIL backs out...
@cruz89 Does your MIL have a job? If. It send her openings. If she does, send her job postings that are well above her current position that she is unqualified for
@airel Not a question but statements from my own mother like "so you just give him pasta all the time and no vegetables?" while I am trying to feed him the pasta I brought from my own home which is covered in butternut squash puree I made to try and get him to eat vegetables when he refuses to eat 90% of what I give him including veggies, most fruits, or 99% of the meat we try to give him. He doesn't give a duck about the broccoli and brussel sprouts you cooked and put on the table for him so what the hell is your plan? How do you think this works? Should I shove it down his throat so he eats a veggie? Complete memory loss from most grandparents on what it was like to have a young child.
@jazzz Totally. It's incredible with mine. On the same line my in laws say that how they were not able to handle their kids, were angry and lashed out on the kids, and in the same line they tell us that we are not patient enough because I feed my kids while putting the TV on.
@airel My SIL has been saying that since my kids birth.....he's a God damn baby! Last week he was really sick and she was bugging him to play and could not understand why he was miserable. People are daft man
@airel I had the hotel call and ask if everything was okay last year while my 4 month old at the time cried while tried to nap in a new place during the day. I don’t know how I kept my composure.
@airel When my daughter was about 2 weeks old, we were at Thanksgiving with both my in-laws, my uncle in-law, and my grandma in-law. My daughter was having a full blown freakout. Felt like nothing was working. We were in my mother-in-laws guest room with the door closed working on the situation. My mother-in-law walks in and says "can you guys get her to stop crying. It's not good for grandma while she's taking her midday nap to have so much noise." Meanwhile, we were parents for 2 weeks, 1 of those weeks in the hospital because my wife had a terrible recovery and we had no sleep because we are new parents with a baby that doesn't sleep. I was so tired and at wits end from the sleepiness nights and the current freakout that I couldn't get words out and I just stared at her with the most rage filled "are you fucking kidding" look ever. She shuts the door and lets out a ugh and walked away. Finally, 30 minutes later daughter stops crying and she's sleeping in my wife's arms. I walk out of the room and my uncle in-law was like "great, now my mother won't be able to sleep tonight thinking of the crying baby in the next room. Glad you guys figured it out though." Still too exhausted for words, I give him the same look. By far, the second most angry time I've ever been at my in-laws.