wHy iS yOuR bAbY cRyInG?!?

@rachelcgv Corollary to this: taking time off work or coming in late because my kids are sick or daycare is closed...

"Well, what's your wife doing? Why can't she take care of the kids?"

Because she has a six-figure salary and her own roles and professional responsibilities. So unless you're gonna double my salary or pay for a nanny, kindly shut the fuck up.
@rachelcgv I haaaaaaaaaate this! I'm a stay at home dad, I get this a bunch when I'm out with my 9 month old. Also weird looks and stares from mom's when I'm in a children's play park with my 10yr old when he's off playing. 🙄
@searchingtruth It’s more annoying then them giving parenting advice. Like yeah I wish he’d talk but he doesn’t, no need to make me feel bad for it

Good luck man! Our sons the same age and we’re slowly getting there
@byronodil Yea. I have doubted myself enough. My wife cried nearly every time someone said this because we thought we did something wrong. It follows up oh you don't talk to her enough. You don't do this. You don't do that. Now as soon as someone starts I just say she is speech delayed. She will talk when she wants to. She is not dumb.
Sorry dude. I guess I vented out a bit.
@rj7tennstars I always used to look really sad when people ask this….”she’s no longer with us”

Makes them back up real quick.

Most recent time I did this my wife was just around the corner in the grocery store and walked up 15 seconds later. I got the BEST look from that old lady
@charmeuse000 Technically you were telling the truth. She was no longer with you... Then she was again.

Then maybe she went to get some waffles in the next aisle, and she'd no longer be with you again, at least until she comes back.