wHy iS yOuR bAbY cRyInG?!?

@airel Boomer grandpa - “you shouldn’t stop him from hurting himself. He has to learn”. 5 minutes later he lets my son fall face first into the floor and then claims it’ll toughen him up.

In their generation, men didn’t have anything to do with kids until they were older because “that’s the mom’s job”. But they still like to dish out stupid advice on how to raise mine.
@alwaystanning thing is that there IS some truth in what he is saying. but it is all about the application. like as your child learns to walk, they are GOING to fall. unless you are literally following behind them to catch them 24/7.

as with everything, there is a middle ground. my son is past the learning to walk stage but he is still a clumsy toddler. sometimes he fails while trying something new and hurts himself. its a matter of managing how bad it will be if he does fail. people put that bar in different places.

i wont let him try to climb a ladder alone. penalty for failure is too high. but i might let him try to climb the 5ft 'rock wall' at the park alone. he might fall, it will hurt, but worse case scenario is a few scratches.

i dunno. i do understand this post is about frustrating things people say to us, so i understand your venting. but i also think we miiiight be getting a little soft these days. lol.... my SIL wants to put a helmet on her 1yo like 24/7 'just because'.
@prepperoni Yeah I agree with you. I think my frustration was with the fact that I know what my son is capable of and what he isn’t. I see him every day. To the have a FIL leave him to almost knock his teeth out based on something he knows nothing about was frustrating. Like you said, middle ground is the key
@airel It turned out not to be merely a question that I cared about, although there are plenty of good examples of the lunacy running rampant in humanity throughout this thread.

For me it was the crusty old women that would beeline across the grocery store to try and touch my child. People I don't know and don't have the courtesy to say hello or ask permission like to pet a dog you want to greet. I think I came close to decking some old biddy because they apparently wished to touch my kids hair. Creepers.
@gflower there are a handful of people in my life who are like tertiary acquaintances. but apparently they find themselves 'close enough' to us to think its ok to walk up and just ruffle my kids hair or kiss him on the forehead or something... such a beating trying to repeatedly explain to them that unless he asks please dont touch him.
@airel We were at the pediatrician for our two month and our girl was losing it, the NURSE goes “Aw is it nap time?” Yes goddamn it so the fewer idiot questions you ask me the faster we can get her home to, yknow, NAP.
@isitthatsimple "Aww is it nap time?" Yeah, because you fuckers always schedule us right in the middle of nap time to stab him repeatedly and y'all act bewildered when he absolutely fucking hates coming here?
@airel For those in laws and relatives basically demanding that we tell our children to “give them a hug”…you should not teach a child that you can shame them out of their bodily autonomy because that can open up some pretty dark doors later in life. Try instead to get on the child’s level and ask them if YOU can give them a hug, and if not be content with a salutation. Peace out.
@airel "Can she sing any songs?" Sometimes, but she's only 1. "Great, make her do it now". Yeah... That's not how it works

Kinda bizarre how many people ask her to sing on demand.