WHY is my body expelling perfect babies? Devastated

@lostsheep75 Do you have any known autoimmune issues? Or the suspicion that you might? Maybe a rheumatology workup is in order.

Also, I would start a regimen of NAC supplements. If you can swing the cost, add glutathione and take them together, as glutathione enhances the efficacy of NAC.


There are more sources available on this if you search, I just wanted to include at least one.

I’m sorry you are going through this, OP. Hang in there and I wish you well.
@margaretmiller Yes for both my losses , after admission in the hospital my cervix was checked several times and the length would shorten through two weeks going from 3.8 to 2.5 and then 1.3 and then expel. But since I got labor pain for 7 hours and only then expel the doctors say it’s not incompetence. CI comes in only if the baby slips out or delivered without any major long labour pain, if I am not wrong
Honestly look into it anyways incompetent cervix. Progesterone. Cerclage. All of it and see. It's really important to get ahead of it. I'm also guessing you didn't have pprom (water breaking).
@margaretmiller Yes all well over 3.5 CMs at 18 weeks for the Second loss. Cervix started shortening only after contractions began on 18 weeks then I was on uterine relaxer to stop the contractions everyday from week 18 until expulsion. Toward the end the medicines to stop contractions didn’t work .
@lostsheep75 That's unfortunate, I'm so sorry. You definitely need more answers and tests on yourself and the babies. I read they didn't test after your losses and I'm shocked. Stand up and get answers! Can they do anything now?
@margaretmiller Both of them are buried so testing on them in out of the question. I have scheduled a series of tests in April. I am collecting as much information j can to ask my doctors before I go in for the tests so I Atleast have some answers and want to do everything I can possibly in my power
@lostsheep75 So I know a couple who had a healthy baby , got pregnant easily , but then had two stillbirths one at 19 weeks the other at 23 weeks and their story is so similar . Their losses were due to this chromosome issue the couple carried called LARS - something . They ended up doing IVF so that they could test their embryos for this and brought home there third baby It is so rare to lose babies for genetic reasons in the second trimester but certain genetic traits will do it such as the one I mentioned and it’s not on standard tests you have to ask for an extended karyottping on you and your husband .
@lostsheep75 Do you have any information on the dimensions of your uterus when you're not pregnant? There are a few studies showing women with short uterine lengths (the definition of short varies among women of different ethnicities) are more likely to experience miscarriages. It's not a deep field of research unfortunately, but I thought it could be helpful information in your search for answers.