Why I'm quitting


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I work for a Fortune 100 company in the U.S. My corner of the company is more mission driven than others, and my work is technical and stimulating, so I've found reasons to stay over the years.

The maternity leave benefits are good for the U.S., but that doesn't mean much -- six weeks paid leave, plus short term disability at 60% pay (6 weeks for vaginal birth, 8 weeks for c-section). Going on maternity leave means using up all your PTO to supplement your 60% paycheck, just so you can afford to buy formula and clothes and all the expenses that come with having a baby.

I had my first baby this past fall. My 29-hour labor was traumatic and excruciating, and it ended in an unplanned c-section. One of my most vivid memories of the whole thing is lying on the operating room table and happily realizing that I'd get an additional two weeks of short term disability by virtue of the fact that I was getting my abdomen cut open instead of having a vaginal birth. As time has gone on, I've realized how messed up that is -- instead of being 100% focused on labor and the baby I was about to meet, I was thinking about my stingy maternity leave benefits.

A few hours after my baby was born, I was on the phone with my disability benefits administrator, notifying them of the birth. Literally hours after having major surgery, as I lay in a hospital bed, I'm speaking with a random stranger instead of basking in the joy of being a new mom. How indignifying. And over the next few weeks, I spent hours and hours on the phone with the benefits administrator, working to correct a litany of errors caused by their incompetence.

As the cherry on top, when I returned to work after putting my 3-month old baby in daycare, a male superior commented on my baby weight.

So I found a new job. I'm moving to a new company that values working moms and provides 2x better maternity leave benefits. To be clear, there are other reasons I'm leaving my company. But I can't shake the memory of staring at the ceiling of the operating room as the OB pried my abdomen open, thinking "oh goody, two more weeks of leave!" I deserve better than that. Every mom deserves better than that.
@deacondrew Me too. That leave policy was standard 10 years ago when I had my second. My company (US super regional bank) updated our leave policy about 8 years ago for fully paid leave.
@deacondrew I'm at a fortune 500 that recently increased paid parental leave to 4 weeks (men included, unless a married couple both work there, then they make the couple split). They like to push this as being progressive. Ha. I got 2 weeks plus 8 STD due to my unplanned C-section. Their medical insurance isn't great either.
@deacondrew The Fortune 500 I’m at pays 8 weeks for vaginal and 10 for cesarean. I exhausted my leave and still ended up partially unpaid, then hit with the hospital bills since adding my newborn changed my plan type and therefore my deductible. Was later told my bonus was less because I wasn’t there. Left a terrible taste in my mouth and I’ve been job hunting for 8 months now.
@osvaldo Fuck US mat leave. I got four months and spent half of that on the phone with insurance trying to correct errors - which continued for another month after I went back to work. I still don’t know if I paid what I was supposed to for my insurance while I was on leave.

And fuck that guy at your old job who commented on the baby weight. You created a human and had major surgery. Wtf did he do?

And while I’m at it, fuck capitalism. Go enjoy your new job and the extra parental bennies.

Massive congratulations. I hope you make bank at the new company and that your old company struggles to replace you.
@clemmy There is a house in my neighborhood with a yard sign that says "Capitalism is destroying the working class and the planet" and i absolutely love it
@clemmy Oh I did this too! And my entire pregnancy. Almost every visit was mis-billed. And it’s really not that hard to do it right, since it was supposed to be $0 copay for everything but the delivery!
@osvaldo Congrats on your new job…I feel this…after reading your story, i have reflected upon mine…

With my first pregnancy, I had 72 hours of irregular contractions, which as a ftm, since they were so irregular & my due date was over 2 weeks away, I thought they were Braxton Hicks. By the 48 hour mark, I was exhausted, in severe pain & awake googling, “how to work through Braxton Hicks” because instead of thinking about my well-being, my sole focus was to work up until delivery, so I could have all 12 weeks of FMLA with my baby (like yours, basically STD for 6 weeks, then totally unpaid). I was literally doing my hair to go to work, trying to practice normal facial expressions in the mirror through painful contractions in attempt to go to work, when my water broke. We laughed about my denial afterwards, but it’s sad I felt so obsessed with getting back to work.

With my second pregnancy, knowing the outrageous cost of 2 kids coming up in daycare, I felt so lucky to get a second job as an adjunct college professor. So yes, to afford two kids, I was working 60 hours a week, pregnant with a toddler. And although I had a plan in advance for a short leave, things went awry, as I required an emergency c-section over a month early, I was so worried about losing the opportunity & missing this potential extra income, I was grading papers 24 hours after my delivery & went back to class for several hours at 2 weeks…like you say, instead of being 100% focused on my baby! I basically took no leave from my second job.

I’d do it all again, I love kids so much, but still, we should not feel this much pressure.

*eta, and what a total ass about your weight upon return. Like who TF does that, such a jerk. I am sure you looked beautiful.
@osvaldo I’m glad you were able to find a better situation! In my field (professional with a MS), unpaid FMLA leave is as good as it gets. I’m having a baby next week and using all my PTO, then the rest is unpaid. And I still need to log on and do my timesheet to account for my unpaid FMLA leave 🥲
@osvaldo My baby was born at 11:45pm, and I remember thinking “damn, if he would’ve been born a few minutes later I could’ve got another day of leave” which is super sad.