Who are those people losing postpartum weight?

@truthinlight Nope. That’s not the case at all that I’m eating too many calories or miscalculating. Again, it’s a completely false and outdated way of looking at weight loss. Many more factors are involved than just calories in and out. If that were the case then diets like Atkins wouldn’t work. Please be careful making statements like these to postpartum women whose bodies are in a state of flux and struggling. It’s comments like these that make women do crazy low calorie diets and obsess about calorie counting and then punish and shame themselves when the weight still won’t come off regardless of all the low calorie eating and exercise. Diet & exercise are usually not the simple solution for most breastfeeding postpartum women. To make them feel they’re simply overeating gives a sense of shame that’s not warranted.
@kristalyn My first pregnancy it took me an entire year to go back to even close to my prepregnancy weight. I was 176 and went down to about 138 after a solid year... I was about 135 prior. This pregnancy I was about 175 pregnancy weight and at 2 weeks pp I was down to 154. I didn't gain as much body fat this time around but I also wasn't eating well bc my acid reflux was so bad. I'm assuming every pregnancy is just different with weight gain and loss.
@kristalyn Well to answer your question I just TODAY finally bust through my ppm plateau weight that I have been stuck at forever by almost 1/2 lb. A few factors 1- sleep. My girl has been sleeping through and I wake up rested. Not to brag bc I’m sure it’s not going to last, it’s just where we are for now. And 2- I’m a full month out from weaning her.

Last time around with my firstborn, it took both of those factors for me to finally be able to start losing.
@kristalyn TBH, don't stress abt your weight during breastfeeding. IME, weight loss kicks in post nursing. It may take a while to regularize hormones and jettison those extra lbs, but it's doable. Patience FTW! It took me almost a year w/out major diet changes. HTH!
@kristalyn It's not me. I gained about 20 lbs during pregnancy. I had my darling LO by cesarean 5 weeks early due to pre-eclampsia and directly after was down 30 lbs. I'm 9 mos PP, and back up those 30 and then some. I was not able to breastfeed; I just had little production. So I'm just lucky and fat? 😭 I hate looking at myself in the mirror right now, which compounds things because I want to emotionally eat. Everyone says PP hormones are a b*tch and to give myself some grace, but this is the heaviest I've been in my life and my stomach disgusts me.
@kristalyn I was basically 60kg before and 66kg after, I lost a bit after and stalled at 64kg, after I stopped breastfeeding (8 months after) I dropped maybe back to 61kg but the bad sleep a few months (regression 11-13 months) really took a toll and I’m back up to 63kg again. Now LO is settled again trying to get those last 3 off. Tbh the weight hasn’t been the biggest difference my body fat/composition had changed A LOT, I’m just getting back to gaining back most (75%) of my muscle now… 😅😅😅
@kristalyn I put on about 12kg in total, lost 6 after giving birth. My advice would be to be to meal prep when you find ANY time and focus on making progress when your sleep is more stable, good luck! 🙏

I’m quite small btw at 5’4
@majestic99 Yeah I ended up gaining 15 kgs and lost 7 kgs post birth. I am sitting with additional 8 kgs and stuck with it forever. I am eating home made food and my baby is sleeping well in the night. I am very active as well. I used to be very hungry during my pregnancy. I ended up eating for two I believe
@kristalyn 7 months PP is still early days tbh, maybe get your thyroid tested as well? It does go but takes time and with Christmas coming up I imagine now isn’t the best time to worry tooo much about it

Are you roughly tracking your macronutrients and trying to maybe do more volume eating if you are finding your appetite still hard to manage?
@kristalyn Hi! I am a dietitian of 13 years who specializes in postpartum weight loss. I started a new Instagram for it because I struggled with weight loss after my 2nd baby even with all my knowledge. SO much goes into weight loss postpartum because of the metabolic changes that happen to your body during pregnancy. I’m not trying to sale anything to you 🤣😄 just letting you know I post a lot of good feee content that you’ll probably find helpful. My handle is @postpartum.weightloss.rd
@martinhero Yes but it does need some assistance! The slow rate of your metabolism means you’re burning less calories in the day. Weight gain, inflammation, stress, and sleep all decrease our metabolism… and we’ve got all of those postpartum. So I do recommend for PP weight loss to focus on it since you’ve got the other added items working against it. Strength training (when ready, starting with light weights) + protein at meals (protein burns calories during digestion process) + short walks after meals is a good place to start with healing PP metabolism.
@kristalyn Same thing happened to me. I was 124 pre pregnancy, got up to 158. At my six week appt, i was 138 lbs and got on BC. Didnt lose a single pound after that. I ended up getting off birth control and also started counting macros and going to to the gym and now I am 126 again. Feeling much more like myself! I am naturally a super small person so it wasnt easy feeling so heavy.