When is baby *not* going through regression

@sungw Omg yes. And the endless confusion. Regression or schedule issue? Regression or teething? Regressing or illness? Regression or Pluto is misaligned? And how long do I wait? Or don’t wait? Retrain? Stick it out?
@sungw 6m was more noticeable than 4m. I’m afraid this week will suck. Baby naps were on schedule but 30min, at which point he woke up and pulled to stand without knowing how to get back down… 😅
@sungw How do you even know it’s a regression? My baby’s sleep is so random anyway that I can’t even tell. There’s never a stretch where I’m like “oh he sleeps amazing!”

When do you ever stop sleep training also? On a rare night he doesn’t need anything from us but most of the time he will fuss once or twice for us to give him a paci.
@zeitgeistr Seriously. My girl is 4.5 weeks old and some nights she’s up every hour and some nights she sleeps for 3-4 hour stretches. Has been for like 2 weeks. There’s no rhyme or reason for when she does what.
@zimran6 there won't be for a few more months! usually there is no real sense of rhythm until about four months... then the first sleep regression happens
@rhs Yeah I think scientifically 4m one is a definite because they all have a maturation of sleep cycles. However, each individual baby handles it well...or they don't lol.

We got lucky with that one and ours breezed through it but that's probably her temperament. Or luck?
@sungw Mom with a 14 month old here and dealing with one now. Or so I think it is. Honestly it feels like a have a new born all over again with all the night wakings.
@sungw Day 4 of no sleep during the 6 month regression, I needed this thread! Too many people who had kids that sleep through the night... I have to sleep train... Again?! Wtfffff