When do babies get easier?

@molitor 6 months and my baby is still fussy as ever😭😭. She’ll go 0-100 in a second. Hard to please and have to constantly change things. Maybe 8 months will get better. I’d say it’s definitely more manageable but unfortunately not better for us.
@molitor Solidarity😭. I know I shouldn’t compare to other people’s babies but it’s so hard. She can’t sit and play with toys for more than 10 minutes at a time
@nitto_k He goes through phases. At 7 months he could entertain himself for 30 min and I was so happy. Now, he’s in a fussy phase, literally won’t last 30 seconds and will cry unless I’m holding him 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s so hard 😢
@molitor Yep pretty much same with ours. Constantly needs to be held. The worst part is she hates being worn so we physically have to hold her almost all the time. Thankfully she’s on the smaller side but it’s still physically taxing on us