Can we overfeed our babies?

@mightyheart If baby is hungry, feed her but be aware that she may be taking a bit too my volume for her age. My 4.5 month old son takes this volume and he's almost 20lbs. Have you tried a pacifier? Babies this age go through cluster feeding(breast fed ones) and have a high need to suck. It may help.
@mightyheart My son can eat 3.5 oz every hour & a half. He’s completely healthy . Feeding on demand is not overfeeding, if they are hungry feed them. They cry for a reason, your doing great ❤️
@mightyheart We said fuck it and just feed him when hungry! And he's so much happier for it. He's 8 weeks old and eats 5-6 oz per feed every couple hours which made me nervous at first cuz no one else's baby that we know seems to eat that much, but he clearly uses it all cuz he's growing like mad. He's just a big guy and needs lots of food :)
@mightyheart It’s weird to me your doctor even asked about feeding frequency? Our pediatrician just asked about total ounces per day. My daughter also was often doing over 32oz a day around 4 months and the doctor never acted like this was a bad thing.
@goldielocks That's pretty normal, they almost always ask how much, how often. Most parents don't know the total oz per day. Right now my kid has jumped up to 5 oz every 3 hours, and takes 1-2 bottles overnight from 7pm-6am, with maybe a 2oz bottle to go to sleep on if she's a little hungry.

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