When do babies get easier?

@molitor honestly, around 1 year everything just clicked for us. LO has been sleeping thru the night since she was 12 weeks old but when she turned 1 she just became a different baby
@molitor If it makes you feel better, I told my husband that 4 months was way harder than newborn to me. 6 months was cool, she started moving and seemed overall less frustrated. 8 months is great, she has always been happy but she just really lights up when she sees her favorite people now.

She’s still nowhere near sleeping through the night but it’s still sooo much better than 4 months was.
@molitor Do we have the same baby?!
Mine’s 6 months and I was JUST saying I feel like he has gotten so much more fun in the last two/three weeks. Hang in there!
@molitor Speaking from someone with a 10.5m old, I would say babies don't get easier, but they get more rewarding and you get used to being a parent.

Each baby stage (so far for me) comes with its own challenges, right now my baby is extremely mobile and gets into everything. Shes starting to take steps independly which is amazing but means she is constantly falling over. She also puts EVERTHING in her mouth so when we are at the playground I am constantly pulling bits of twigs, rocks etc out her hands and out her mouth. But she claps, waves, giggles, says mama and plays peek-a-boo with me!

She is still not sleeping through the night and naps can be great one day and terrible the next, so I am still tired and stressed, but she makes me forget about those things in the moments she shows me her new tricks and I see her personality coming through.
@molitor Around 8 months and I finally felt good handling her. She became way less temperamental and more forgiving. Push nap time a bit? No big deal. Eat a little earlier or later, fine by her. She started being more fun and more tolerable of her surrounds.
@molitor It was 9 months for me. She started sleeping through the night, was eating solids fairly well and the crawling was super secure so she could get around on her own. Everything from 12-19 months so far has felt like an absolute breeze compared to the first 6 months lol
@molitor We're at 19 months and he's an absolute joy but not sleeping through the night. 2-3 wakes up is normal for us still. We have so much fun and love though so it's being a Dad is a net positive in my life. Tantrums and all haha
@jamessecondson Haha now he’s 10 months. It’s been a rollercoaster of ups and downs and he’s just much more fussy than other babies. That said, it’s still sooooo much easier now. He has a personality, is super social, sleeps better, can entertain himself for chunks of time and loves to explore/crawl. I still wouldn’t say it’s easy at all and he’s just a very demanding baby in general. Every other baby seems way easier.
@molitor My little man is almost 4 months and I could’ve written this myself. It has no doubt improved since the hell that was week 7-9, but he’s still so unpredictable and like you said I get major anxiety taking him out. He might be an angel or it might be a total nightmare. He also fights naps HARD (thank God he’s a good nighttime sleeper, knock on wood). Did it get better for you?
@molitor I think it highly depends on the baby. The worst for me was around 4-6 months and then again at 7-14 due to a sleep regression that never ended (still struggling at 17 months). Especially until he was 12 months and could walk a bit more reliably (he started walking at 10 months) it was hell for my back. He also was very clingy with the separation anxiety and I could get nothing done. As I am approaching 18 months I can see the light in terms of some autonomy but the sleep is still crap so 🤷