When did your wife start to feel kicks?

@davidspetri This is hilarious cause 30min we were just talking about it. Wife is 20weeks on Saturday and as we were talking about "damn no Kicks yet" she mentioned how' she thinks she's feeling it now(we just ate a big dinner) and she's not sure if it's the real thing or gas. So I think it's going to be more obvious soon!
@davidspetri I felt my first kick at about 18 weeks, precisely the moment after my sick cat was put to sleep at the vet’s office as he lay across my lap. But I also have felt identical feelings from gas in the many years since.
@davidspetri We was about 18 weeks but the midwife explained to us that when they’re so tiny and my girlfriend was on the move all day it would be hard for her to feel them.

We then noticed a pattern that we would only feel the baby at night ( normally when she was laying down about to sleep)

If you’re really concerned maybe ask for an earlier scan or pay for a private one. We paid for one which cost us £70, I know it’s a lot of money but you can’t put a price on the reassurance.

Good luck and I’m sure all is fine
@davidspetri The kicks you can be sure aren’t gas or constipation (just being real here) aren’t until 25 weeks. Those kicks are in a nice repeat pattern in one spot vs gas and poo have a pop and rolling sensation.

A guy on here posted he felt the baby at 14 weeks …. I didn’t have the heart to tell the poor guy he had likely just felt his significant others poop dislodge.

More often than not up until 25+ external kicks aren’t felt, and internal are so vague it’s not worth getting to hyped on.

The hormones, blood doubling, water retention and enlarging uterus put a ton of pressure on the digestive system so right away whether they feel bloated or not it’s usually poo.. or gas from their poo slowing down.

Your wife sounds like she’s very aware of her bodies sensations and very grounded. Which is good - she should trust that. She’s not reading in too much to minor movements. She sounds like the type to not get too spun up over minor things- she’s going to handle this entire thing like a champ and keep her stress low if she can trust that other people are not and are usually (rightfully so) letting their excitement get a little ahead of them.

The only time for concern is after she begins to have nice hard kicks (they’re even visible at some point) and the baby will develop a fairly reliable sleep schedule in her tummy.

Once she gets that pattern of when he or she is active for a month if she finds the baby has reduced fetal movement since displaying a very strong and patterned movement then you all go in for reduced fetal movement to check on homie.

Congrats btw
@davidspetri I can’t remember exactly but it was definitely well past 20 weeks. I want to say it was around 22 weeks. She also had an anterior placenta. I couldn’t feel it myself for several weeks after she started feeling him.
@davidspetri I barely felt anything the whole pregnancy. Some flutters but just barely and my wife said it was like baby was playing soccer in there. Different sized kicks/belly I guess.
@davidspetri First-time mothers don't tend to feel movement until at least 18 weeks but it's not unheard of for there to be no feelings of movement until 22-24 weeks, depending on the placement of the placenta the overall activity level of your baby.

If the placenta is anterior, that means it sits on the side of the uterus that lines up with the exterior of your wife's abdomen. It doesn't really mean anything health-wise but it does make it take longer for fetal movement to be felt, since there's a thicker layer of tissue between the baby and the outside world.

If the placenta is posterior, that means it's in the back of the uterus and there's less tissue between the baby and the outside world. You're more likely to feel movement earlier.

You can find out if your wife has an anterior or posterior placenta by asking the ultrasound tech or going back over any medical records that might be in your wife's patient portal from any previous ultrasounds this pregnancy. Most ultrasound records will state whether the placenta is anterior or posterior. Knowing this will help calibrate your expectations around fetal movement .

I had a posterior placenta with my first and starting around 18 weeks, she was going absolutely nuts in there. My friend who was pregnant at the same time as me had an anterior placenta and didn't feel anything until 22 weeks, even though it was her second and most second time moms feel movement earlier. This pregnancy I have an anterior placenta and don't expect to feel movement until around week 20.

TL;DR- totally normal to not feel movement yet. I wouldn't worry.
@davidspetri For us the first kicks were 23 weeks in, while we were lying in bed watching TV. We noticed that at first all the kicks was at night time and when we were watching TV.