When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

@benstiller12 My period returned at 7 months ppd. EBF and still feeding in the middle of the night. Everyone is different. I believe it dipped my supply a bit, so I took calcium magnesium supplements to try to help.

I got pregnant with my third baby while I was still BF my second (6 months) and never got my period. Be careful!!
@rubywilson Crazy !!!! I guess the saying my husbands grandma always says is true for some “once you start the baby machine it won’t sleep” … I’m having cramping for a week and a half now. So I’m confused. Ovulation should not last this long. Period is no where to be found either. Starting to think I might have some ovarian cysts again.
@benstiller12 4 months. The first time she slept more than 8 hours straight. I did also have ovulation cramps a couple of weeks prior, but I also sometimes get random faint cramps when she cluster feeds, so I just assumed it was that.