When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

@benstiller12 I believe so. Cosleeping + night time feeds contribute to your period delaying to return. It (EBF) was (irresponsibly), honestly our form of birth control after baby #2.
Once i felt myself ovulating like bloating, mood swings, pms, my period came and i got on BC right away lol
@jjan3 Even co
Sleeping is contributing ?
Because I do co sleep with her (depending on how tired I am
To keep awake on the rocking chair in her nursery… I rather go co sleep with her and me only in the guest bedroom following the 7… some
These nights she eats 2 some 3 nights)

But she always starts off with her night sleep alone in her crib. And all her naps mostly
Are in her crib as well. Currently she is contact napping while
I work lol
@benstiller12 At 15wks PP - I ovulated 1.5wks after returning to work, so first period was literally the month after I returned back to work. Before going to work I was EBF minus one bottle of pumped milk overnight for husband to give (and where I would instead pump) and pumping every two hours at work has been impossible, so I very often have gone up to 6 hrs between pumping/nursing, so I’m not surprised :(
@benstiller12 Not quite total elimination for pretty dang close. Once or twice a week he’ll wake up around 4 am and is too hungry to fall back asleep so I’ll nurse him then, but prior to that he was consistently waking up 1-2x a night to feed so we actively worked to reduce that. It took about 5 days to make the change and he did great with it!
@benstiller12 I'm currently at 7 months. I've been curious myself. I have felt some pre period cramps this month, so maybe? Otherwise I just assumed it'll return when I'm not breastfeeding
@benstiller12 With my first I got my period around 7 or 8 months, and it was just once. I was on the mini pill. Then I didn’t get it again until I got on a regular birth control pill around 19 months PP, but I fully weaned him at 16 months PP. I am almost 15 months into breastfeeding my second baby, and I have not had my period since July 27, 2021💀 I’m still taking the mini pill. I occasionally get cramps, and my discharge gets heavier around certain times. Not quite sure what’s happening with my body😃
@dblop I barely have discharge. Now that you mentioned this I had some discharge yesterday and a few days ago. I think I’ve to pay attention to this !!!