When did you start getting morning sickness and what has it been like?

@mousa Be happy, my mother had 3 children and not once felt neasous or puked, I was puking constantly from week 6 until end of week 16. Some are blessed and don't feel sick at all!
@mousa I’m at 28 weeks and have yet to actually throw up. I definitely felt nauseous and tired for a bunch of the first trimester and also felt food aversions but have been fortunate in not throwing up. (Well, a couple of times I had little near misses but I made it!)
@mousa I never really had it with either pregnancy, only threw up a handful of times and iron supplements caused a number of those. It was more queasiness/food aversions and some nausea, but never severe or to the point that I couldn’t eat or drink. It’s fine if you don’t have it, doesn’t signify anything is wrong. Just count yourself lucky to be in the ~25% of women who don’t experience it. I was mostly just tired and a bit dizzy.
@mousa I got hit by morning sickness all of a sudden at 10 weeks. Thought I was one of the lucky ones that wouldn’t get it. However, I guess I was still lucky because it went away after three weeks. I still have to have a small snack every few hours to not feel any type of nausea but it isn’t debilitating like it was in those 3 weeks.

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