When did you start getting morning sickness and what has it been like?


New member
I know this is odd, but I’m a bit concerned because I’m week 8 and have had occasional food aversions but no steady morning sickness. I have gotten suddenly nauseous on occasions, but it is sporadic and not a daily thing. I was thinking I’d have it by now so am a bit worried something is wrong. Figured I’d reach out and see what others experiences with morning sickness were.
@mousa I never had any morning sickness in my first trimester either, I’m 19 weeks- everyone was shocked that I felt fine (besides being exhausted and moody). Maybe we’re some of the lucky ones! 😊
@mousa I am now almost to 23 weeks, and I never got true 'morning sickness' in my first trimester. Things would not sound good and I would occasionally get queasy, but never actually threw up. Mostly I was tired with some occasionally sore breasts. My mom said she was the same back when she was pregnant.

Baby measured well and had everything she needs at the anatomy scan, and clean NIPT, so I just consider myself blessed to have skipped that aspect of the first trimester.
@mousa I had waves of nausea on and off in my 1st trimester, but it never lasted more than about 15-30 minutes at a time. It was never just in the morning either. I only threw up once. It felt more like a hangover than anything else and it wasn’t too bad.
@mousa I didn’t. I waited for it and waited for it. I ended up with a stomach bug for 2 days that I thought was it but it wasn’t. I did have fairly bad motion sickness, to the point I couldn’t read, scroll social media etc but it just made me feel off not ill. I’m also pregnant with a girl. Healthy at 26weeks. I did make sure to try and balance carbs with protein and fat and eat fiber as tolerated which I think helped. I also had ginger candies for any time I thought I might feel ill. But they were rarely used, still have half a bag. I think waiting for it to hit is worse, I’d just take one day at a time.
@mousa I never had morning sickness either with both pregnancies. Currently 24w with my second and I just had food aversion this time and lack of appetite lol
@mousa No morning sickness for me either. I had some occasional - nopes to food but I was mainly just tired as a symptom. So far so good for everything! It’s nice to have symptoms just to feel like you are doing the things, so I get the worry but try to enjoy not feeling sick.
@mousa I never had the typical morning sickness. I’m easily repulsed but never had bad nausea. I’m 31 weeks.

All this after a pregnancy when I was 21 where I was so debilitated I thought I had the flu. For many years I was expecting that and it never came. They say every pregnancy is different and I didn’t really believe that - but I’m here to say, it’s true!
@mousa 10 weeks now. I dry heave in the morning likely due to stomach being empty, and through out the day if I eat “too much” I sometimes throw up and get triggered by phlegm in my throat. It’s not severe and it’s picked up in the last 2 weeks I’d say. I’d say don’t read too much into it as I hear many women don’t have nausea or vomiting. I’m jealous of those women😂
@mousa I didn't have any morning sickness throughout so far. Around week 14 I definitely had tiny bouts of nausea that lasted like a minute or two when I didn't eat something quickly enough. I'm 17w now and mostly just have some gag reflexes when brushing my teeth, but it's also totally normal not to get morning sickness so don't be worried!

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