When did first trimester hit you?


New member
So I’m in my tww now (post iui). I workout regularly. A TOUGH reformer Pilates studio by me is doing a one month unlimited special for $100 which is a great deal for my hcol area. Would it be dumb to join right at the beginning of my first trimester if I do end up pregnant? I’m testing next week 1/3 so the unlimited month would fall between weeks 4-8 of the pregnancy. I’m familiar with this type of workout just don’t know if I’m delusional and I’ll end up feeling way too sick or drained at week 5 OR if it’s still early enough to be okay . I’d like to go 3-4x a week.
@pasha0672 $100 sounds like a great deal.. I would sign up and go as much as you want. It’s so so hard to say if/when you’ll feel sick. I’ve felt the worst from about week 6-10.. it differs so widely though. You may feel totally fine or get knocked down hard. If you end up feeling sick, just give yourself grace and know you got a good deal nevertheless!
@johnneypeter Same for me! Weeks 6-10… my first day of extreme fatigue + food aversions was on 4th of July so I remember it well. I worked out 6 days a week (weight lifting) pre-pregnancy and I didn’t work out again until week 16ish.
@johnneypeter Seconding this…for me, weeks 6-9 were bad with week 10 being “transitional,” but I felt well enough to exercise weeks 4-5 and from week 11 onward. Might as well take the chance :)
@pasha0672 Everyone is so different, so it’s hard to say! I never got sick or had food aversions. Exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks around 8-12/13 weeks. I would go for it and just listen to your body!
@mjain3391 Was coming to say this. Everyone is different. I also didn’t have any sickness but I STRUGGLED with fatigue. Was barely making it through the day without a nap. Days I worked out, I felt better but it was struggle between weeks 8-16. That said 2nd trimester was better, 3rd trimester feels like 1st trimester again with the fatigue.
@pasha0672 I felt amazing until 7.5. Then utter death. The fatigue. The nausea. I’m 10.5 and everything is still ass. Everyday life is exhausting. The most I’m doing is a 30 min hill walk and some prenatal yoga. Can’t wait to get some energy back second tri. Not having a regular routine is killing me.
@dawnhammer It really does hit you like a ton of bricks doesn’t it? You’re like oh I feel fine and you’re thinking you can carry on like normal… and then… 😩
@bebe11 YESSSSS and I was naïve enough to think the nasty symptoms were skipping me because I didn’t feel them until 7 1/2 weeks. And then the universe laughed and laughed (currently typing from the couch)
@dawnhammer Lol yes!!! My 2nd pregnancy I was like maybe this pregnancy will be different! LOL no. Also typing this from the couch 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just try to remember I do eventually feel normal again… but dang the 1st trimester feels LONG.
@bebe11 I LITERALLY JUST SAID IT FEELS LIKE TIME IS STANDING STILL OR GOING BACKWARD. My word. Today, I have been vertical since 8 o’clock. Had errands and a hair appt and by the time I got home I was like I’m going to fall over. Have I done shit else? No. I walked the dogs outside and threw the ball for them this am and when I got home and literally could do no more.
@dawnhammer its wild how its like a ton of bricks. I ran a solid 5 mile race at 7w2 days and within 2 days i could only do walk runs without extreme nausea and shortness of breath. Just BOOM.
@ocromwell Wow! It really is insane. And it’s like your body is taken over and you have no choice but to relinquish control.

Love your name btw. That’s my favorite thing in the world. A tough as nails workout followed by an IPA
@pasha0672 I did not see the inside of a fitness studio from weeks 6-11. Prior I was consistently going 5x per week. After first tri i went back to that level. Third tri I’m having to slow down A LOT. It’s humbling.

Everyone is different though. For $100 I’d likely do it if I were you. Maybe they’ll take pity on you and pause it if you get really sick!
@pasha0672 5 weeks and 1 day, which I remember because it was the day after Thanksgiving. I'm 10w1d now and I feel like I'm finally starting to get some energy back, but I've gotten winded walking upstairs for the last five weeks. but you might not get hit with exhaustion at all! it's so hard to say. I think if it was me I'd risk it - and I wonder if you do end up pregnant and exhausted if they'd be willing to move the weeks around for you?
@pasha0672 I would do it. With my first I had a (very expensive) barre studio membership and was in the habit of going 5-6 days a week. A combination of the cost incentive and my routine I was able to power through my fatigue and nausea. This time around I've been doing peloton rides and walks at home and have struggled more to stick with it. It doesn't help that I have a toddler to chase around now but I think not having the financial incentive and peer pressure during classes is a big factor.
@pasha0672 I’d go for it. I have terribly sick first trimesters and I was still in the gym 4 days a week. The more I move and workout, the better I feel (currently 30 weeks).
@dailymango echoing this, even if you only get good intensity the first couple weeks, itll still be motivation to go move, as long as you adjust expectations for how frequently and how intense. Be ok with modifiying, sitting out a move or two to recover, etc