First trimester with twins… how did you get through it??

@quinntanyad I'm a little over 12 weeks and the first 6-8 weeks were awful. Nausea and tiredness was my biggest battles. Since I hit 11 weeks, it's becoming more worse than before except I'm gaining some energy back but I feel like when I tried to do anything like normal like cleaning, nursery lated stuff or go out with friends or family, it bite me in the ass and takes me several additional days to recover from jist an outing or cleaning event.

Hope your Dr's can provide some better relief options and keep it at a day at a time.
@almatha This is how I feel too. I went for a walk around the block with a friend last week just to try and get some exercise/fresh air, and it took me out for the next 2 days. I slept for HOURS during both those days. Unreal.
@quinntanyad Supposedly eating protein heavy meals helps, but meat never sounded good to me. What really helped me was setting a timer to remind myself to eat, but it sounds like you are already eating pretty consistently.

There are definitely other medications you can try. I think reglan?

It feels like there’s no end in sight right now, but it seems like a lot of twin moms have their nausea and vomiting resolve by week 16 (I think the last time I puke was 15 or 16, 25 weeks now)
@lvnlife25 Thank you! I’ve heard adding protein can help so I’m definitely going to try that. I’ve heard mixed reviews about Reglan… did you take it during pregnancy? Congrats on 25 weeks, you’re so close!
@quinntanyad I tried having a bunch of cooked bacon in the fridge so I could snack on that and easily get some protein, but I puked some right back up once and then didn’t want it anymore 😓 but that might work for you!

I didn’t end up needing more than zofran, but one of my friends who was nauseous her entire pregnancy recommended I ask for it if the zofran didn’t work.

Thank you! It feels so close and so far away at the same time haha
@quinntanyad Is this your first pregnancy? I knew all the public access toilets everywhere I went with my first (singleton) because I couldn't go 10 minutes without needing to vomit for the first trimester. With my twins, other than being a lot more fatigued, I felt great!
@ncyks55 No, this is my second pregnancy. My first (singleton) was a relatively easy pregnancy aside from being super tired during first trimester, but I was able to work full time, eat normal meals and do everyday tasks around the house.
@quinntanyad I realize this could be totally wacky to suggest, but I found that taking the B6 vitamins with Unisom actually made me feel worse. Once I stopped taking the B6 and just took Unisom, things improved a notable amount (I still felt nauseous until about 18 weeks). I never had to take Zofran though, so you may have it much worse than I did. Hang in there, it does pass but with twins it often takes longer than 12 weeks (and no one mentions that to you).
@quinntanyad Pop by to say hi, I’m opposite of you. 18 months twins and now 9 weeks pregnant with a singleton haha. And I am suffering just like you, for some weird reasons, I feel worse now than when it was the twins’ pregnancy.
@questionsquestions Ugh, I’m so sorry. Taking care of one 18 month old is hard enough when pregnant, I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to take care of TWO toddlers! I hope you have lots of help and are getting the rest you need. Take care of yourself!

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