What was the response when you asked for pain management?


New member
The first 2 times I got an iud I was only told to take 800mg of ibuprofen. The third time at a planned parenthood, they gave me a heating pad and I realized there were more ways to help with the pain. Now that I’m considering getting the iud again, I’m wondering what kind of pain management you asked for, and what was the response you got? Also, if you happen to be a Kaiser patient please say so if you don’t mind (that’s where I’m getting mine)

Update: A commenter suggested that there is a list somewhere out there and I found it!:

@sk8rkid831 I wish there was like a topical numbing sponge you could sit with. I feel like that combined with a heating pad at the bare minimum would help.
Also don’t get why laughing gas can’t be used when the effects wear off in minutes
@urasuccess I got nothing for pain management. They told me, and I quote “in the time it would take to numb you we could already have it in.” Once it was over I still had no meds or anything they just told me to take ibuprofen and to lay on the table for like 10 minutes before sending me home. I live in the US btw.
@dave32165 I’m in the US too😭 I almost passed out after the Mirena, and now I’m wanting to get the Paragard. And now that I’ve watched a video on what’s actually happening during the insertion….. 😳

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