What to items to buy now that typically are not gifted. FTM needs your help!

@deryck From my experience, people do not gift consumable items such as shampoo and diaper cream. Depending on the financial situation of your friends and family gifts in the super affordable (think $1-15 items) and the super expensive (think $200-1,000 items) are scarce.

Whenever we come across a deal or coupons for a brand we like we take advantage. We do not buy Nestle products, and we cloth diaper so that narrows things down for us, but you may have some other requirements that can help you decide.

Also, you might want to think about building a cache of consumables you use regularly so that you don't have to get to the store for soap when you've got a brand new baby at home.

For now, my two cents is to collect coupons and groupons for items you know you want to use or try so that you don't have to move it all when you get your house!