What is going on


New member
I’ll start this off with saying I’m absolutely prepared for the worst. I’m quite positive this isn’t going to end well. But here’s the situation I’m in:

I’m 8 + 4 weeks today, based on last period. My cycles are typically 30-35 days.

On Jan 26 (7 + 1), I started having a bit of brown discharge.

On Jan 30 (7 + 5), I had my first appointment with my GP. I told her I was stressed, so she got me to do blood work that day. Results came back that my HGC levels were 3882 U/L. She said it’s “high, but lower than she’d like them to be”.

On Feb 2 (8 + 1), I had my first ultrasound. I expected to see the worst. There’s a baby measuring 7 + 3, so five days behind. Ultrasound tech said it lines up with my cycle length, said everything looked perfect. Heart rate of 160.

This entire time I’ve had spotting, and I’ve had a couple episodes of a gush of blood. I know the HCG was way too low. But then why was the ultrasound so good?? This is hell.

What do I even do? My doctors only advice is “go to the ER if the spotting progresses”


Just got back from the ER, unfortunately I’m miscarrying. It’s a lot more painful this time, I’m assuming because I was further along. I was not prepared for this pain. Life sucks :((
@yommie I’ve had pregnancies where spotting led to miscarriage and pregnancies where spotting led to live birth. I’ve had pregnancies with no spotting at all that turned out to be a missed miscarriage.

I’m on my 5th pregnancy, 1 living child, and they have all been drastically different. My only living child I had spotting from 6w to 13w and she’s a very opinionated 3 year old now.

I saw in the comments you’re considering another HCG draw. I’d recommend against it. Doubling time slows down drastically once you reach 6,000, with no defined doubling time at that point. Your last draw was more than a week ago which isn’t going to tell you anything about the doubling time from that draw, because it isn’t a linear relationship. So the farther away your two reference points are the more incorrect the calculated doubling time will be. And if your levels reached 6,000 somewhere in that time, then you really don’t know what to expect.

You saw a great HB for gestational age. At this point, it’s “wait to worry”.
@yommie Your hcg was low but at this point ultrasound is a better indicator of viability and you saw a fetal pole within the range of variability with a very good heartbeat. Id take it as a good sign.
@pugh Thank you for replying! 🤍 my first pregnancy ended with spotting for a week, and turned into bleeding. So I was absolutely shocked to see a heartbeat on the ultrasound. This limbo period fking sucks. I just want a for sure answer.
Update: currently in the ER waiting room. It’s not looking good. A friend convinced me to come. As I’ve been sitting here waiting, I had a major cramp attack. I went to the bathroom, I’m bleeding pretty bad. But it’s weird, it’s not clots. It’s just watery blood. But the combo of cramping and bleeding isn’t sitting well with me. I’m pretty upset, but I’m accepting it.
@yommie I know that spotting/bleeding while pregnant is very scary.

I have been spotting since I was 5w2d pregnant and kinda stopped for a few days now that I am 10 weeks. Like you, I was very stressed too especially cos I lost my first baby from an MMC last year. I have had 2 ultrasounds and both showed growth + really good FHR both while spotting.

I had a slight bright red blood gush after pushing too hard too poop and it scared the heck out of me that I almost went to the ER. I called my midwife and she was not even worried because of my previous ultrasounds. She assured me that sometimes, bleeding can be normal if you're not passing clots, filling pads in an hour and intense cramps (more painful than period cramps)

I also did notice that I spot whenever I am dehydrated (I have aversion to water, sucks.) There's a lot of things that causes spotting/bleeding aside from miscarriage.

I hope everything goes well for you!
@yommie HCG can vary from person to person. A good ultrasound is a positive sign. A lot of women have unexplained bleeding and spotting in the first trimester, unfortunately. And it can be worrisome not knowing why especially if it keeps happening. Yes and unfortunately that’s all they really can do/advice they can give. Whatever’s meant to happen will happen if it is an impending miscarriage there’s nothing really for them to do or you as it more than likely started off that way chromosomal-wise. The only thing you could do is rest, eat and hydrate well, and probably put yourself on unofficial pelvic rest until your next appointment. Fingers crossed!
@jerushac The spotting is killing me. I’ll just start to feel a little bit better, and then I’ll have more spotting. It’s so much like my miscarriage I had in November, it’s hard to even think about anything else. I feel like I need to be doing something, but there’s nothing for me to do. I’ve been taking it easy, trying to just sleep the days away lol. No one told me pregnancy was this stressful!
@yommie I spotted for 2 solid weeks between 6-8 weeks. Everyday, almost every bathroom visit. It would be pinky red, occasionally a little brown, and occasionally red. Had a few instances of it actually coming out onto my pantyliner on a “gush”- not quite that much but best way to describe. Even two instances of it dripping into the toilet. Currently holding LO. They never found a reason! Doc suggested it could have been that my cervix was sensitive/friable. I know this happens and it’s the opposite outcome for folks, but it can be possible to go on and have a healthy pregnancy. The thing I had to tell myself that there was nothing I could do good or bad (outside of like, the obvious stuff-drugs, unsafe medications, etc) that would affect the outcome on the the pregnancy. The only thing you can do is wait it out and rest.
@yommie I’m currently going through this, I’m almost 10 weeks. The doctor I was seeing during the early weeks was very optimistic after seeing a heartbeat and was happy that HCG was still rising even if it was low and slow. I also saw an ER doctor (for blood pressure issues) who contacted a gynaecologist during my stay at 9 weeks and they also confirmed hcg was low and I was measuring behind but everything else looked good and they didn’t mention anything about miscarriage. Just to keep an eye on bleeding and spotting. Wishing you the best of luck through these difficult times🤍
@serenity77729 I’m wondering if I should ask my doctor if I could get another test to see if my HCG is rising. She hasn’t offered, basically just told me to go to the ER, and I don’t want to bug her lol. Canadian healthcare is whack. I don’t think my nerves will calm down until I have a healthy baby on the outside. I wish you the absolute best, and best of luck 🤍
@yommie Absolutely!! I know lots of people say that after 6 weeks hcg means nothing but I feel that’s only the case when hcg is in the 10k-100k range. When it’s still so low I feel getting at least 2 draws is still reasonable ! I had multiple draws to see if there was a a good rise, but I had to ask! Of course you’re in Canada too, it’s ridiculous isn’t it? I actually made a whole post about it the other day. Our healthcare system is a joke. I completely understand what you’re going through🤍
If you’re comfortable, keep us updated on whatever happens! I will be putting an update on one of my posts whenever something new comes up. :)