What is going on

@yommie HCG at this point is kind of pointless. The only way it’d be definitive is if it’s gone down. More than likely, it’s gone up.

I’d ask for a sooner ultrasound if anything.

It sounds like you weren’t tracking ovulation and with a 35 day cycle you could have ovulated due say 20+…which would put you 6+ days “behind” when using LMP. That would make the baby’s measurement at your ultrasound right on track

You can’t really know more without a followup ultrasound. I’d push for one 7-10 days after your last one.

@yommie So I am in a similar situation- HCG was “suboptimal” but because a heartbeat was found on the ultrasound my doctor said no to focus on the levels anymore because the ultrasound is a more reliable test of viability. This is a very scary time period but I would focus on what the ultrasound tells you over the bloodwork!
@yommie Did they say anything about a subchorionic hematoma? I had brown discharge/bleeding with mine for almost three weeks with my son in the first trimester. It can be super frightening, but it didn’t affect my pregnancy.
@yommie Just here to try and be positive because I know from experience the waiting is hell. That is an excellent heartbeat rate for 8w1d and such a good sign to hear a heartbeat at an early ultrasound. It doesn't help that early pregnancy is often accompanied with unexplained bleeding, even if everything ends up fine. I am rooting hard for you and this little bean.
@yommie It's possible you have a subchorionic hemorrhage/hematoma that went undetected on the ultrasound? I'm not a doctor but I was worried early on that I would miscarry during my current pregnancy because I had some spotting/brown discharge prior to my 8 week appointment and my baby measured 2 days behind. My doctor reassured me that anything 5 days or less was within the margin of error and that they had seen a small clot in my ultrasound that likely was a subchorionic hemorrhage and would explain my spotting. By my 12w appointment it was gone, and I wasn't spotting anymore. Hope it resolves for you and everything goes well 🤞
@yommie I am so very sorry. I have been in your exact position. The physical and emotional pain wash over ever bit of your existence. Please show yourself extra love and care. ❤️
@yommie I’m so so sorry for your loss. The limbo is awful, and then the pain afterwards is just heartbreaking. I wish there was something I could say to make it better. I hope you are taking gentle care of yourself and giving yourself the space to grieve. ❤️

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