What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?


New member
My son is 17 and is 6’2”. He’s tall and needs a lot of food to sustain. YET! The kid doesn’t take any responsibility for making sure he is fed, and I suffer from it. When he doesn’t eat, he’s an absolute pill and can be quite mean. When I’m able to identify this and feed him it can be a 10-15 minute turnaround in mood.

Thus, I cook for him and often ignore when he says he’s not hungry, because I know he IS, and then will eat if I put food in front of him. But not otherwise. Unless he recognizes the hunger (which is rare), but in that case he will eat only cereal or protein bars (like 6 of them) which is find wasteful/expensive, high in sugar, and these don’t really fulfill his needs.

THIS DRIVES ME CRAZY! He’s 17. I feel like I’m tending to a toddler. I’m tired of cooking for him all the time and I’m tired of dealing with a bitchy attitude because he doesn’t do self-care. We’ve talked about it a lot, I’ve gotten better at buying frozen things that he can easily heat up, but he seems to either not identify that he’s hungry or lack the motivation to do much about it, 99% of the time. It means I don’t feel I can go out after work or get up early and go on a hike because I’ll come home to an angry kid, etc., and it’s not worth it. I’m tired of worrying about this for a child who is nearly an adult.

He’s perfectly capable- he makes pies with lattices and has roasted a chicken on his own- it’s NOT a skill deficit.

I’m wondering, do your kids make healthy eating choices as teenagers? What do you see your kids make for themselves at this age? Any suggestions for moving the responsibility into
his court while avoiding suffering the wrath of his lack of self care?

Thank for your input.

TLDR;17 year old doesn’t take care of his food intake needs and is then untenable. Im tired of cooking, lack of accountability, and his hanger. Asking for suggestions and what other teens his age have for eating habits.
@scottwilson My 16 year old daughter and her eating habits INFURIATE me. You are not alone. The laziness is out of control. She’s an athlete and still eats like shit unless I hand off her plate basically. She will stare at the fridge then complain there’s no food (a fridge literally full of food) and then do the same with the pantry. She will not put 2 ingredients together to make something. If it’s not high in sugar and shit she won’t get it for herself. Drives me insane.
@scottwilson I know I’m sorry for you too but honestly it feels good to know I’m not alone 🥴😂. This almost grown child won’t even microwave her plate of leftover dinner after practice. She will just not eat or eat candy stored in her room if it’s not done for her.
@scottwilson He won't let himself starve. Stop catering to him. Make sure there are ingredients stocked for things he likes (that aren't crazy unhealthy) that are easy for him to prepare himself. It'll be a battle of wills at first, but he won't go hungry for long.

I know it's hard. I have twin 15 year olds.
@emmanuel330990 Exactly this! My daughter would do the same until I stopped catering to her. She is 16. Now, I only prepare dinners in the early evening, during the school year.

She is responsible for her breakfast and lunch, IF we are home. She has been making her breakfasts and lunches regularly since I stopped catering to her every whim and forced her to do for herself.

I hate to say this, but we are our own worst enemies in this.. some of us enable our kids to be this way.
@emmanuel330990 He won’t. It’s just dealing with the Hanger in the meantime that is exhausting. We need like an easy photo based cookbook for him. I’m imagining like hello fresh meal kit style recipes but in a book.
@scottwilson My daughter ate nothing but crackers all day every day for I don’t know how long. I lost my mind. She’s 20 now and actually cooks nutritious food for herself. I don’t really know what the obstacle was or how it resolved itself but I wanted to offer some hope. I think having seen me cook all her life gave her something to stand on once it was really her turn to do it herself. I wish you the best. I know how maddening it is!
@scottwilson Solidarity, we have the same kid. Everyone else in the house manages to feed themselves on nights when I don’t happen to cook. We have tons of leftovers and fridge pantry freezer are stocked. He also has a car and my credit card to go buy food if he wants. But he’s the one who is always complaining there’s nothing to eat. I just ignore him as best I can. It can be so triggering. But he’s been like that most of his life.
@scottwilson It would take me several hours to write all the frustrations I have with my 17 year old and her eating habits… it is MADDENING and like your son she very much makes it everyone else’s problem. And then her therapist once suggested she may have disordered eating which turned into a whole thing and she saw this as permission to taken even less responsibility for her nutrition needs. But yeah we talked to her doctor and some professionals and it’s exactly what we knew it was… She’s picky, lazy, and prefers to only eat junk food.
@scottwilson We have had regular meals and snacks since the kids were little, and I gradually let my teens take over feeding themselves. Once you have a habit in place for years it’s hard to break.

Do you eat as a family, or do you feed him just to placate his moods? That’s like giving a tantruming toddler a cookie. Sure it would shut him up, but he doesn’t learn to take care of himself or manage his anger.

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