First pregnancy ended with a loss.. Need some advice on what to expect.

@luin31 Hi, I just had a miscarriage of my baby that was measuring 7 weeks I haven’t had any clots or tissue. Even lighter than my normal period I’m just having some pain. If you’re concerned you can. Have a follow up ultrasound to make sure you passed everything that’s what I did and they ended up giving me medication to help me pass everything faster, still no heavy bleeding just a lot of horrible cramping. I’m so sorry for your loss this was my first pregnancy as well. It doesn’t hurt any less even though we were early on. Sending love💕💕.
@luin31 Hi, I’m sorry this is happening to you. In my case, we didn’t even get to see a GS on an ultrasound, it happened a bit earlier. However, the day I started bleeding my HCG came back at 4. Went from 17 to 4 in 48 hours.

I think you should expect to start bleeding soon. If not today, maybe tomorrow, because your value is really close to negative (5
@luin31 Honestly if it’s down to 8 that means the tissue has passed. If you mc around 4-5 weeks there isn’t much and it would be like a normal period. I’m sorry for your loss. (I’ve had 5 mc for reference)
@luin31 What was the measurements of the gestational sac and were they confident it was a sac? That early, with HCG that low you a loss can be like a heavy or even typical period. Early on gestational sacs are mere mm and could be passed unnoticed. It’s possible bleeding picks up when your HCG is below 5 (over 5 is considered pregnant) or progesterone drops to pre pregnancy levels if not there already
@luin31 My levels were higher, 1700 something, and i miscarried between 6.5-7 weeks. I bled for an entire week, but I never did have super heavy bleeding, clotting, or pain. I believe the bleeding prior to the miscarriage just kind of broke the sac. It could have been totally normal for you. Definitely get another ultrasound to verify that all tissue is out!

I’m so sorry for your loss. 🤍
@luin31 I also didn’t bleed after my levels reached 0. I stopped bleeding when my levels reached under 100. They weren’t concerned since my last ultrasound showed an empty uterus
@luin31 I don’t have any advice, but I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself. I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through, but you’re strong. You’ve got this
@luin31 I am so so sorry 😢 I do ultrasound.. that early on if there’s bleeding as your describing would most likely result in the gest sac being passed but it’s confusing that they saw what appeared to be a gest sac after the bleeding stopped and yet the hcg was so low. Wasn’t a true sac? The only thing that makes sense to me is that the gest sac was absorbed/spontaneous miscarriage occurred. Bc with your current hcg being pretty much negative there wouldn’t be a sign of anything now. There’s not going to be any update or change with the ultrasound your uterus will most likely look back to normal.. and there can’t be retained products with the hcg that low. They would be higher for that to be the case. In my experience doing ultrasound, I’ve heard of a lot of stories and have seen patients that have successful pregnancies after a miscarriage. It will happen. Best of luck to you ❤️
@luin31 If you don’t bleed within a week or two I would request misoprostol. I had to take it back in December for the same kind of miscarriage at the same gestation. But 5 weeks after taking the misoprostol I found out I was pregnant again and I’m now 22 weeks with a healthy baby boy.

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