What do you do during wake windows???

@misslou Whenever I run out of ideas that means it's time for a walk outside lol. I put her (4.5 months) in the baby wrap, pop her little sun hat on and walk around the apartment complex to let her look around at the bushes and the trees and the sky. She loves looking at clouds.
@misslou Talk to them about your day or what your plans are for the week.

Go for a walk

Read out loud a book you're reading.

My LO loved blinds at that age
@misslou Weeks 8-16 were super hard for me with the new sleep patterns and short wake windows. I was going stir crazy. It was hard to get out of the house without having a nap on the go, and those kind of naps made witching hour worse.

No real advice other than it will go quick and you'll be to an easier schedule soon.

Also, get the electronic crab that lights up and makes sound and zips back and forth. That was a tummy time game changer for us.
@misslou Our baby is about to be 3 months next week. After her nap, we talk to her a bit and wait for her to wake up more. Then we do tummy time 5-10 mins or more and then walk her around the house and talk to her, show her stuff etc. this includes mirrors where she sees herself, also play with toys and show her toys and rattle balls. then change her then feed her. Then walk her around again and keep her upright for a bit then eventually she gets Tired and goes to sleep
Anything that keeps them engaged and interactive is excellent. I find babies like fans, lightbulbs etc
@misslou I do a walk or sometimes two a day just around the neighborhood because some days I just can’t keep her occupied enough and a good playlist and a walk always keeps her content. I also recline her high chair back and have her sit in the kitchen with me with some toys while I do dishes or cook and she loves that
@misslou Mine is almost 7 weeks old and one of our wake window activities is singing and dancing to (grown up) songs in front of the mirror - wide range of artists, from the Beatles to Dire Straits to Eiffel 65 and Coldplay. The mirror mesmerises him and he doesn’t mind my terrible singing (yet)!
@misslou My 16-week LO loves watching us empty the dishwasher and put away dishes. He sits in his Baby Bjorn bouncer and we talk about each dish, the quality of the loader’s work (for example, Daddy always does a messy job), or count the dishes. He also loves to sit in the kitchen while we cook; we give him a rubber spatula and call him “chef.” Don’t rule out cleaning the bathroom, either. Watching us clean the shower is a big hit!
@misslou Literally everything is a toy and also after Leap 3 they REQUIRE variety like seeing new things. Mine gets so bored so easily. I’m like giiirrrl all your needs are met what do you waaant? Pick her up walk around and she’s happy as a clam. I show her vitamin/medicine bottles and shake them. I show her toothpaste/etc. and describe it to her and let her feel the bottles of stuff. Also if your LO starts teething they just want to suck everything, keeps them occupied for a while!

She just turned 4m. Now you’re making me think I ought to be doing language cards 😆

ETA: go on Lovevery and check your baby’s level every month or so, read what toys the subscription comes with, watch their video about it, copy with DIY or other toys or find a way to satisfy those skills
@misslou At that age my little guy loved walks, both being held, and in the stroller. He also loved his activity mat with dangly toys. You can also give her "floor time" with several toys nearby. My son really liked this too. I think it helps them get to know their own body.

You can also tickle, make faces, etc. I would take his toys and do little puppet shows and make up absurd stories. That might be an ADHD thing though. At that age they're too young to crawl away so you have a captive audience lol. Fold the laundry and narrate. 3mos isn't too young to learn the difference between shirts and socks

Also snuggle and tell her you love her lots. My son just turned 2 and he isn't nearly as snuggly as he used to be. There's nothing in this world like baby snuggles
@misslou Nappy free time!! My nearly 5 month old loooves it. I’ll take her outside and pop her on a towel on the grass and let her kick around naked. It’s good for their bums to let them breathe, and I get a lot longer tummy times when she’s naked. Plus being free of their clothes helps with their movement I find, she rolled for the first time naked. Plus baby bums are adorable, so cute waving their little bums in the air 🥹