What do you do during wake windows???

@misslou My husband and I usually take our 3 month old on a short walk in the morning and evening (15-20 minutes), I also walk her around the garage or backyard and point out different things (5-10 minutes), we try putting her in a carrier since she’s still not a fan (5-10 minutes or till she gets passed), I get my face close with hers and have a “conversation” about anything and repeat back to her any sounds she makes (5-10 minutes), plus she also currently likes watching me do squats or stretches while she lies in her play gym (5-10 minutes) lol
@misslou There’s lots of things you can do, but if someone hasn’t said it, the only thing you really need to do is keep your baby alive. Don’t feel pressure to fill every second of their waking life with meaningful or enriching activity. They will be fine, and you may be more sane if you aren’t beating yourself up for not doing enough.
@feliz Really surprised this isn’t higher up! You don’t need to run yourself ragged trying to entertain a baby every waking minute. A lot of the time they are happy to be hanging out with you doing whatever you need to do - laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc.
@misslou I heard somewhere to focus on a different activity during each wake window for your own sanity. So one wake window is floor time and inside play, another is hanging outside (6mo loveees watching traffic and is sure to learn colors, counting, and makes and models of vehicles this way haha). One wake windows includes playing on mom and dad’s bed where he can sit and topple without getting too banged up. Or we play with his reflection.
@mandie103899 I'm not OP but I like this suggestion, thank you!

Sometimes a wake window is just watching me fold laundry while I narrate & play peekaboo with husband's shirts, but I have been feeling tired trying to get to all the things before sleepiness sets in. Your idea to focus on one kind of play is so much better.
@misslou Do chores and talk her through them. Watching you do things is fascinating for them at that age, even if you are doing them a lot slower because you’re also watching your baby.
@al333 Does your's tolerate it while awake? My LO is 4mo and I can basically only use it when she's napping. Of course she hates her stroller as well 😅 so I struggle getting out while she's awake!
@sparagmos So he’s almost 4.5 months, and has the lowest tolerance for it in the house. I think he gets bored! But outside, he’s so stimulated by everything, I think he forgets he hates it 😂😅
@al333 Aha! Maybe I give it a shot again 😁 I currently put her in the carrier before her nap, she starts screaming but calms down once we're outside and then falls asleep. Maybe it would work when she's awake 🤔
@lupuswarrior Great workout 😁 I tried today awake and she was trying to push herself out of the carrier 😅😅😅 I guess we need a bit more getting used to, I think she doesn't like feeling restricted?
@misslou My 3 month old loves the Lovevery play gym and the toys we get with the subscription. She spends a majority of her wake time in there either in her back playing with rattles, looking at the mirror, hitting the toys hanging from it, and tummy time.