What are babies like at 5-6 months

@thomasleonard My baby was am amazing sleeper up until 4months when she stopped sleeping through the night for a very long time. So I'd expect more overnight wakeups. She was also well into solids at that point so needed a highchair and bib to participate in every meal. Some babies are crawling by then, mine was just sitting, which is easier - mobile babies are wayyy harder!
@thomasleonard My 6 month old slept more, but not through the night. It was easier to go do things.

We had an October baby, so we traveled to visit family (1-2 hour trips in the car) when she was only a few months old. We would find a Starbucks somewhere in the middle of the journey and stop to give LO a break from her car seat. She ended up doing really well traveling and visiting family.

Pack and play is a must! We also bring an iPad for emergencies when on trips (she doesn’t get one at home.) iPad can also come in clutch as a baby monitor if you video chat your phone on mute.
@thomasleonard for us she did sleep a little more, but did have 3 wake ups a night. at 6 months she started trying to crawl/move around so she spent a lot of time on the floor. at that age she was more awake and really liked being out and about. she loved sitting up to see the world around her. we took her to the zoo, she loved shopping, she loved walking around a park in her stroller. it was easier to get out and do things, minus the driving part because she still hated her car seat. she started eating more volume less often, so we only needed a couple bottles to go out, and if we went on a multi day trip we could get away with bringing just a few bottles and washing twice a day. she also loved snacking at 6 months, so she'd be content just snacking while in the stroller.

id say we still did 3 contact naps of about 1.5 hours every day, but she'd nap in her stroller or her car seat if we were out.

i think around 6 months it's a lot easier to go out and do things, even with a temperamental baby like mine was/is.
@thomasleonard My 6m old is playful and energetic. He loves to talk, learned how to shake his head no (when he's full, when he doesn't want me to use the booger sucker) lol. Moving around a lot like he wants to learn to crawl. Wants to chew on everything bc he has 2 teeth and is growing more. Going through a slight sleep regression so some days he will wake up at 2-4 am to eat. Likes music, likes being in a walker, loves stuffed animals, loves some TV time. Very loud and laughs a ton! Wants to eat all the foods haha
@thomasleonard Mine has started to sleep better around the 5.5 month mark. 3 naps per day, sometimes 2. Napping is hit or miss, but closer to 6 months, it’s a good nap more often than a bad one. Baby stopped contact napping around 5 months too, which I’m just a tad sad about. His wake windows are anywhere from 2.5h to 5h (if he refused his third nap and we were on a 3 nap schedule day).

Feeding wise, we’re at 5 bottles per day and 2 meals. 3 big bottles, and 2 bottles after the meal because he doesn’t eat a full meal yet.

We haven’t taken long car rides.
@thomasleonard My baby just turned 6 months. Compared to at 2 months, he sleeps much better through the night. He still wakes 1 or 2 times occasionally to feed but goes right back to sleep. I breastfeed, so occasional bottle washing hasn’t changed. (Although he eats less often.) He recently started randomly freaking out in his car seat. This is new for him and I’m not sure what it’s all about. He is very curious and requires a lot of attention. Less time to do non baby stuff in my opinion.
@thomasleonard At 5-6 months, we did sleep train, and after that, we got consistent sleep from 7 pm to 3 am, then a brief feed and back down til 6:30 or 7. 2-3 inconsistent (but always in a crib) naps a day, fed at wake-up, 3 times between 8 and 5 pm, solids around 6, bedtime and a feeding at 7. It wasn’t entirely predictable, but wake windows are so much longer, and their little bellies are so much bigger so while they still eat 6-7 times a day total, they aren’t CONSTANTLY eating. Timing drives with naps is possible and ideal.

At 2 months, I don’t even know what our schedule was. We did get sleep from usually 7 pm to midnight or so, but naps were all contact naps and not predictable at all. Feeding seemed constant whether he breastfed or had a bottle of EBM. Travel was hit or miss - sometimes, we could go the full 2 hour stretch between mandatory breaks without problems. Other times, we stopped every 20-30 minutes to eat or change a diaper. 5-6 months has been so much more predictable that way, and we don’t deal with cluster feeding and things so much anymore.
@thomasleonard Both of mine were crawling then, and were really starting to show their personalities. 4 naps a day, sometimes 5. They were more interested in looking at things out in the world. I could set them in the cart at the grocery store I started to have like half hour blocks where they would just crawl on the floor. But some babies don’t do that until they’re older so it depends on what kind of baby you have.
@thomasleonard Definitely baby dependent. I was sleeping far less because my baby’s regression started at 5 months and didn’t end till we sleep trained at 7 months. She woke up every single hour, wouldn’t let her dad put her back to bed, and needed to be held for 30+ minutes before transfer. I was working on 3 hours of interrupted sleep.

But day-to-day life was easier around 5/6 months. She became way more interactive, enjoyed her high chair, and liked her stroller now that she was out of the infant seat! She finally spaced out her feeds to ever 1.5 hours by then too and dropped contact naps.
@thomasleonard 6 months is when the clouds broke & sun began to shine for us… little guys digestive issues seemed to go away almost instantly (he was extremely colicky & had a meager appetite since birth) & we started exploring solids, which was fun for me. He was sitting up & babbling a little. He started sleeping completely thru the night in his own crib by then, too. This is just my baby’s timeline & everyone’s is different.
I would recommend the Montessori Baby book, I’ve been using that to look ahead at where to expect baby to be in months ahead
@thomasleonard My babe is 6 mo too, and I truly think each baby is different so to predict for yourself, take this with a grain of salt. I’d definitely consider how well baby travels now (in the car, on days with appointments, etc) because if they’re comfortable now, they’ll likely be comfortable at 5-6mo, but if not comfortable now, I’d consider adding more activity into their daily lives to build that up! Our first cross country (east coast to west coast US) trip was with baby at 8 weeks old.

Our baby was a good night sleeper and a crap napper at 2 months old, and still is one of those babies who doesn’t nap long during the day, but a longer night time sleep. He has 3-4 30 min naps through the day (he also naps well “on the go” as a result, in the car seat, on a walk etc) and eats about every 2-4 hours (we breastfeed so I can’t tell you exactly how much with me, but at daycare he takes ~4oz bottles). He is an absolute pleasure at this age and is social and smiley with strangers, and loves the stimulation of going out and about, so we don’t have to do as much work to entertain him. Quiet days at home are hard for me to try to constantly keep him interested, so we just attach him to us and go about our chores, which he likes to watch. Also, we go out/travel a LOT, really since the beginning though - we just came back from a cross-country trip for the second time in his life; he’s been on a total of 10 planes so far (Including each leg of layovers) and knows to nurse or suck his thumb on takeoff and landing. We travel with a white noise machine to continue his routine at bedtime, but otherwise he’s a very calm and mellow baby who only freaks out really when he’s overtired, so baby wearing (or being cozy in his Doona) is the best for him to nap when he’s ready!
@thomasleonard The sleeping part varies soooo much. Our first baby was still not close to sleeping through the night at 6 months, waking up at least twice overnight. We sleep trained which helped some, and she was doing okay with naps usually, but nights were still hard. My second is currently 6 months, and she’s been sleeping through the night since around 3 months, but is in some kind of regression right now, so the last 2 weeks we’ve gotten the least amount of sleep since she was first born. We recently started putting her down for naps instead of contact napping and it’s been going well.

She is formula fed and has a bottle every 3-4 hours, but she can hold it herself so it’s a LOT easier. The bottle washing doesn’t feel too overwhelming. She’s very very easy to bring places at this age. She is curious and will look around at everything, but not old enough to have preferences about what we’re doing. She is super smiley right now, and very interactive. She will still nap in the car seat/stroller/on the go too, which is nice.
@thomasleonard My baby's temperament hasn't changed since 2mo! He's still very chill

5.5mo now. He was almost always a good sleeper (except month 3) but it's nice now that we can set him in his crib and walk away. He may cry for 10min or babble but then hes usually asleep. Falls asleep around 630pm, wakes up around 630am. Wakes up for feeds at 1230am and 5ish. I'm convinced if I pushed his bedtime to 7pm we could eliminate that 5am feed and then I'd only have to get up once

He can't crawl yet but he's trying to. Has been rolling both ways since just before 3mo and he's getting better at pulling himself across the floor/rolling to what he wants. By 6mo idk where he'll be

He likes his jumping bouncer seat toy, and singing stuffed animals. Loves tummy time and grabbing for toys on his belly and shoving them in his mouth. Loves to smile and it's fun to make him laugh. He has full head support and is soooo sturdy compared to 2mo

Naps are still a little up in the air especially because he just started daycare. We just try to ensure he has one long nap between about 1230-230pm. He might get a half hour in the morning and a half hour in late afternoon

O ya during the day I feed him every 3 hours still. I could probably do every 4, he never cries, just easier for me to have him on a schedule. 9,12 ,3 and 6

I'll add that at 2mo I could get him to sleep in his bouncer in broad daylight. At 5.5mo he much prefers sleeping in his crib which was the COMPLETE opposite. Aka it may be harder to get baby to nap when out and about at older age
@thomasleonard 5-6 months was when kid started rolling over (fall risk).
Started tasting food other than breast milk, so he got more messier and needed more showers and cloth changes.
His poop started smelling a bit as he started other foods and formula, so I wasn't okay with just using wipes/water (this maybe a culturally ingrained thing). He also started having a better organized circadian rhythm, so more predictable sleep/wake/nap times.
6 month vaccination was tough. He had fever for a day.
He doesn't have teeth yet, but many babies start teething at this age, so be prepared for a fussy baby.
And play time got more fun and he started to interact and engage in baby talk. Hope this helps
@thomasleonard Traveled at 5/6/7 months. She’s been a bad sleeper since the 4 month sleep regression so no real change on that. We were on 3 naps at 5 months and 2 naps at 6.5 months. Vacation though, we just go with the flow. Sometimes she gets a crap nap and needs a third.

She started crawling at 6 months so it’s a little more involved because you can’t just plop them down but it’s way more fun. She’s interactive with everyone and enjoys doing things with everyone. Just go with the flow but be prepared to maybe have to sit one or two things out if baby gets overtired and needs help getting caught up on sleep.
@thomasleonard We have a 5 1/2 month old. She usually naps twice a day. She will sleep about 10 hours a night. If we need to go somewhere she usually will fall asleep in the car seat and then we use a baby carrier to strap her to us which she likes. The past two weeks we started solids. She loves eating and has found her voice and started yelling at us for food 😂. She is also suddenly way more mobile and has figured out how to hold herself up on her arms and roll around to get where she wants to go. Definitely easier in someways but if she is tired and doesn’t get her nap she will scream bloody murder.