@thomasleonard My baby's temperament hasn't changed since 2mo! He's still very chill
5.5mo now. He was almost always a good sleeper (except month 3) but it's nice now that we can set him in his crib and walk away. He may cry for 10min or babble but then hes usually asleep. Falls asleep around 630pm, wakes up around 630am. Wakes up for feeds at 1230am and 5ish. I'm convinced if I pushed his bedtime to 7pm we could eliminate that 5am feed and then I'd only have to get up once
He can't crawl yet but he's trying to. Has been rolling both ways since just before 3mo and he's getting better at pulling himself across the floor/rolling to what he wants. By 6mo idk where he'll be
He likes his jumping bouncer seat toy, and singing stuffed animals. Loves tummy time and grabbing for toys on his belly and shoving them in his mouth. Loves to smile and it's fun to make him laugh. He has full head support and is soooo sturdy compared to 2mo
Naps are still a little up in the air especially because he just started daycare. We just try to ensure he has one long nap between about 1230-230pm. He might get a half hour in the morning and a half hour in late afternoon
O ya during the day I feed him every 3 hours still. I could probably do every 4, he never cries, just easier for me to have him on a schedule. 9,12 ,3 and 6
I'll add that at 2mo I could get him to sleep in his bouncer in broad daylight. At 5.5mo he much prefers sleeping in his crib which was the COMPLETE opposite. Aka it may be harder to get baby to nap when out and about at older age