Weird wake up 2-3 hours after falling asleep


New member
We technically didn’t sleep train (one night was very rough and we had to track back) but did end up weaning pacifier at night time. It used to help LO (6mo) fall asleep instantly, independently with no intervention whatsoever the very first time put down awake. But pacifier was causing him to wake us 1-10 times overnight.

Anyway, now he’s at the point where I put him down awake w/o paci, a few minutes later, he’d cry for a couple minutes at which point I pat him down and shush him for a few minutes and he falls asleep (total of 5 min which is fine by me). The problem is, almost like a clockwork he wakes up between 10:30 & 11pm. I can shush him and he might fall back asleep but will do this a few more times. I’d have to pick him up. After one or two trials, I end up having to put him in our bed.

Should we revert back to pacis? Co sleeping was never in our plan. I regret that we even started doing this but I’m not gonna go there now… it might be giving us better sleep but we are still a little….embarrased(?) of co sleeping. At least he slept on his own with paci, very quickly falling back asleep each time. Any advice or idea on why he’s waking at the same time every night, I’m all ears.

He is usually up 7/7:15am, in bed around 8pm. About 3 hours of daytime sleep across 3 naps, last one being 30-45 minutes. Very active during WW. Still mostly only naps held (another huge problem) but doesn’t struggle to ever fall asleep - instantly goes down with a paci.