Is it weird to ask if my daughter is invited to a birthday party?

@greggkj I would not have asked. You basically invited your daughter. The mother was gracious and didn't make it a big deal, but it could have been super awkward for financial or any other reason. I wouldn't do it again especially as kids get older.
@threeblueeyedgirls Yeah I’m realizing I won’t ask ever again I feel so awkward right now. But if it wasn’t for my friend who knew nobody and asked me about going with her I never would have thought twice. I also then began to worry the mom would think I was a jerk and ignored the RSVP
@greggkj As a cautionary tale, a popular girl in kindergarten had a bday party. She told all the girls and said they were invited however , in reality only a few girls were invited. One mother called and made a huge fuss over her daughter not being included. It was terribly awkward. The bday girls mother had to call everyone and explain.
@harrisd83 Oh yikess… but even then, kindergarden is a few years older than these kids, my daughter just turned 3 lol.

But also even if she said my kid wasn’t invited I wouldn’t throw a fuss. I’d be like weird but ok.
@greggkj It is weird to ask for an invitation it puts the host in a very awkward position

It's also weird your friend asked if you were going to the party when she didn't know you were invited. That's really bad manners.
@logann She didn’t know anyone and assumed the entire class got the invite since she only attended 2 days when she got the invite. She felt unsure going without knowing anyone
@greggkj I probably would have first messaged the teacher to see if my child had received/misplaced an invitation, and then would have messaged the parent once I'd confirmed they were invited. If I was the birthday kid's parent I would feel obligated to invite you whether we'd sent an invitation or not, but it sounds like it turned out okay.