Is it weird to ask if my daughter is invited to a birthday party?

@greggkj Nope not weird !! Plus, so many people skip out on kids parties, I 1000000% will invite the entire class just hoping maybe three kids come !!!!
@sjpenny We also live in a very rural area with farms so I also feel like that’s often the case not a ton of kids at these parties (the invite was to a home address, not like an ice skating party or anything). I try my best to say yes if invited.
@greggkj Yes ! We’re not very rural, but it’s HARD nowadays to make friends (a lot of people here grew up here and have friends already, and I’m a “younger” mom so it’s hard to mingle). I’d rather invite everyone and have a few people come then nothing. I’m lucky to have some friends an hour away that come to every party with their kids.
@sjpenny My daughter was the only one from the class to come, and only one other kid came in general. Appeared to be some older siblings or cousins (12-14 yr old) but only 2 kids came who were actually 3-4 yr olds
@greggkj Based on the response, it sounds like your child was meant to be invited. She is probably just busy and hasn't had time to respond to your follow up question.
@greggkj Her cubby likely got missed because she just started! Or they went out a day or two before she started.

Mom's reaction sounds really genuine. I think you did the right thing.
@mynameisjoe Thanks yeah to be clear my friends daughter started like 2 days prior and my daughter began 2 months ago in this classroom. But yeah it just felt too weird for her intentionally not invite her and even if she did that’s fine, but seemed unlikely if that makes sense
@greggkj Nope. I'm about to do the same thing. My kids' school hands out invites during morning carpool. I have early drop off for a few days and must have missed it. Don't feel weird about it.
@greggkj Honestly, I don't think it's weird at all. Your friend said the whole class was invited, that extends to your daughter! If your daughter is new, then maybe she wasn't aware to give that invitation. I think you were upfront and did great! Kids can't do that for themselves, so you stepping up and asking is very kind and strong for your daughter. I would have done the same. If you think it's weird, show up with a friendly attitude and show them you appreciate being there 😊 next time, your invitation will be there!