Was everyone referred to an MFM just because their BMI says they’re “obese”?

@danielf TW: weight talk

I was due to my BMI and age. I am also classified as high risk due to BMI and age. Apparently, I was high risk during my first pregnancy due to my BMI (which btw was only like 3 points lower than my current), but I was not told this information. I found it on note I went through for my current doc.

I’m 15lbs heavier to start this pregnancy and 7 years old (38, will be 39 when he is born). Though the staff at MFM were nice to my face during the anatomy scan, the notes from my scan paint a different picture of what they felt. We saw most of the important things we needed to see for baby, but on the scan notes, they reported my scan was difficult due to maternal body habitus and tissue transmission. Under “Physical exam” they wrote: patient appears obese. I’m not making excuses, I should have lost weight prior to baby #2, but those were hard things to read. Additionally, under postpartum notes they wrote I should go to a nutritionist or bariatric center. All of my vitals are within normal limits, my BP has always been stellar. Luckily for us, baby’s scan was great.

I understand they are trying to work with my (and baby’s) best interest but those were difficult things to read. I do agree that it is extra care for me and baby, so it is good thing in the gran scheme of things. Good luck, OP. We will get through this!
@danielf I was only referred based on my age, 42, but I am concerned that when I get there that I'll be fat shamed.

ETA: you were likely referred to get better pics of the baby, since they were having difficulty.
@danielf We are technically considered high risk with over 30 BMIs. That being said, they’re covering their asses more so than a higher BMI being a really high risk. I am over 40 yo and my BMI is 30. My midwives have said these are very minor high risk factors. MFM is where my practice does ultrasounds anyway, so that’s my only option. MFM referred me back at 32W for a growth scan, but my own practice is not worried about it. This is my second baby and all was very well with my first. But, to answer your other question , yes-things can change every quickly and people can get pre-eclampsia at the very end of an otherwise health pregnancy.
@danielf I was referred to MFM for my anatomy scan because of my BMI. I believe it is because they have better equipment and staff who exclusively look at babies.

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