Was everyone referred to an MFM just because their BMI says they’re “obese”?


New member
I haven’t had any problems in my pregnancy. I’m 26 weeks, BP has always been great, no GD, the only thing recently was diagnosed with anemia after my GD test that I took at 26 weeks. But my most recent ultrasound at 24 weeks (a follow up to my anatomy scan bc they couldn’t get all the pictures at 20 weeks) they referred me to a MFM with no other explanation. My only conclusion is that because I’m “obese” (BMI above 40) they’re covering their tracks. Can things in pregnancy change that quickly, and I’ll develop preeclampsia or something later down the road? I’ve been healthy this entire pregnancy, and I haven’t even gained an exorbitant amount of weight. And why isn’t anyone telling me anything? If I’m all of a sudden considered high risk, you’d think I’d be told this. Is it really only my weight that’s the issue? Again, I wasn’t referred to the MFM after I was told to take iron for my anemia. Just after my 24 week ultrasound.
@danielf Just because someone is referred to MFM does not make them high risk. I would ask your OB or MFM for clarification on your care.

My pre-pregnancy BMI was 45 (I think). I was referred to MFM because I am An Elderly (I’m 40). There have been zero discussions or even mentions of my weight. The extra close monitoring and caution has all been because of my age.
@danielf My BMI is 38 pre pregnancy and still so far (15 weeks). I was referred to MFM only for my anatomy scan. I spoke with MFM and they said the only reason they can figure for the referral is my BMI, but usually when they refer people for BMI it's for a much higher BMI than mine. I guess there's some differences in practice between people and some are more likely to refer you due to being obese than others.
@danielf Things can change rather quickly, but regardless of why you were referred, it's never a bad thing to have extra eyes on the baby. For me, it was a relief to be able to see her more often than regular moms.
@danielf I was referred to the COB because I have gestational hypertension and require blood pressure medication. They haven’t said anything about my weight being any reason for concern.
@danielf I went to MFM for my anatomy scan because their US machine was more powerful than the one at my OB’s office, but my OB continued care for my whole pregnancy.

As to your second question, yes things can change quickly. I had a perfectly healthy pregnancy with normal blood pressure the entire time and developed preeclampsia after my water broke. You’re not destined to develop any complications necessarily, but things can change quickly.
@danielf I was already at mfm because I turned 35 while pregnant. What they did add was weekly ultrasounds starting at 34 weeks bc of my bmi pre pregnancy (over 40). They said there’s an increase chance of a stillbirth so that’s why they do these. I just had my first last Friday and it was less than 30 minutes and always reassuring to see the babe!
@danielf On my paperwork, my referral reasons for seeing the MFM were advanced maternal age (36), IUI to conceive, depression, and heart problems. I'm 230 pounds, nothing about my weight on any of my paperwork. I'm sure they will tell you at your visit why you were referred. I love having more eyes on little one, other than more co-pays, there isn't a down side to seeing an MFM.
@danielf I was referred solely for my weight. At my last visit at 21 weeks she let me know the only reason I was there was my weight but everything else for me and baby has been perfectly healthy including my testing, BP, and first GD test. It annoyed me at first but the level of care they provide me personally is far above what my regular OBGYN could provide me.
@khristosanesti Were they considering you high risk? I want to prepare my boss for all these extra appointments I’m going to end up having without having to tell him I’m having them because I’m overweight.
@danielf I’m a 51 on the BMI scale. All of my blood work has come back really good, I do not have GD, and I also don’t have any signs of preeclampsia. My OB made us see a maternal fetal medicine specialist and the specialist told me I was so healthy that I didn’t have much to worry about. She was honestly confused about why I was referred in the first place.
I’m 32 weeks and doing great!
@danielf Did they see everything they needed at the 24 week scan? I was referred to MFM only to complete my anatomy scan because they were have trouble seeing everything they need to (my baby is stubborn and likes sitting with her back to my outer belly) but it has nothing to do with my BMI and they were very clear about the reasoning.
@danielf Well, yes. I had stellar blood pressure up until 33 weeks and then was diagnosed with gestational hypertension. I never developed pre-eclampsia but my bp shot up to 160/100 and I earned myself a weekend long stay on OB Special Care. I gained a total of 12 lbs my entire pregnancy.

At first I too was minorly offended by being referred to MFM. But at the end of the day, it’s all extra care. Extra views of baby, extra care for you, etc. Without being referred to the MFM we wouldn’t know my son was born with congenital heart defects nor delivered early due to my late onset high blood pressure.
@danielf Could be that they just wanted you to be seen by the specialist because they have better ultrasound machines! I was referred to MFM early because I did have other risk factors that made me high risk but I know others who have been sent there simply for more detailed ultrasounds.
@danielf I was referred to MfM due to age (35) and this being an IVF pregnancy. Honestly with my OB visits being so short, I really appreciate the time and attention I get from the MfM

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