Vacation hell

@qity Next time one of them is crying, hand them over to someone tell them it’s their turn and walk the eff out. Have done this to my husband before. Allowed him to have more respect for my role in the hiuse
@qity Oh I know it’s hard. I am not saying that you will have the best time ever on your walk, but you need to pace or cry or scream and they need to see what it is you do and offer a hand when the tiny people are awake. When they’re sleeping? Come on that’s bullshit.
@qity I feel like since becoming a mom traveling and the one vacation I have taken was just parenting in an unfamiliar place without my normal resources/routines.
@qity Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a “vacation” if you bring kids. Next time, leave the family and kids at home with sitters and go enjoy a tropical retreat for you… you can even leave the spouse at home too 😅
@qity Always book a sitter. Call the front desk right now and ask for a sitter recommendation, they can probably even set up the booking for you. Do it. Give yourself the afternoon off.
@qity We leave on Tuesday for a trip and I fear this will be me. I’m all anxious about the trip, and my husband is all “it will be ok”… but will it???🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
@qity This is life with small kids. Unfortunately. Vacation isn't vacation. Once the kids get older it will be more enjoyable, but for the next few years you're in the thick of it. The work to reward ratio is going to be extremely unbalanced. I'd talk to your husband about taking over some of the load so you can sit back and relax some too, but I feel your pain.
@qity Yeah. That really sucks. Honestly, vacations suck if you have any expectation of rest time for you. Kids are in an unfamiliar place. You don’t have all your tools. After trying several “fun” trips, I just declined most invites and refused road trips over an hour to any destination with my baby/kid. Until she was about six or seven and then it became fun again. I remember when she was 4, on a road trip vacation when I lost it and found myself screaming at my family: I SAID WE ARE GETTING ICE CREAM AND WE ARE GONNA GET IT! Which is hilarious. Trying to convince the fam to get ice-cream is peak “vacations suck.”
@qity I didn’t enjoy trips until my kid was 5. We cruise so I only enjoy myself when she’s in the kids’ club. If she refused to go, I would be miserable.
@qity Girl, I’m sorry. It’s the worst when you have high expectations for something and it ends up going far worse than how you thought it would.
@qity I once sobbed “I was looking forward to THIS?!” on a horrible visit to my in-laws vacation place. So I feel your pain.