Vacation hell

@loveallandbeloved We went on vacation to the beach and I was going to have one afternoon by myself at the house. Husband and toddler came back after an hour cause she just cried for me the whole time. 😑 love her, but man I just wanted to drink tea and read my book!
@loveallandbeloved It sounds like you def don’t want to go anyway, but I just took my 11 month old and 5 yr old and had a great time! And 11 month old is still using bottles - he can eat other stuff so it didn’t seem too logistically daunting
@qity Just got back from Mexico with my MIL and it was awful. The least relaxing vacation ever. So hot, so many bugs, not a baby friendly resort in the slightest. Husband and MIL constantly drinking which means I couldn’t(wouldn’t anyway but still) plane to and from we’re awful and baby only wanted me which means mil and husband can watch movies/relax and I’m struggling. Never again.
@qity That’s where I’m going too 🙈 I don’t know if it makes it better or worse that the in-laws are from there. The language barrier sure doesn’t help though. FML. I need to try and have a positive attitude though nothing bad has happened YET.
@qity Family vacations are a ridiculous joke. I hate them. I don’t even like going out to eat with my kids I definitely don’t want to be trapped in an unfamiliar area with them not knowing who is going to have a meltdown and when. Because it will happen.
@qity A mom in my moms club once posted that she was refusing to post family beach pictures to Facebook because that would just be perpetuating the myth that these kinds of trips are a genuinely awesome time.
@zavollen I have a cute photo of my daughter on my husband’s shoulders at the beach. I took it because they and the setting looked amazing and when I did I said, “this is the lie photo and we’ll use this to remember our vacation and this day in which our child was a truly epic pill.” It makes me laugh every time I see it. She’s on his shoulders because she refused to walk and melted into a puddle of molten child about a mile from our vacation rental.
@qity We are planning a trip in February, all inclusive only with a daycare. Just the three of us, I can't imagine a huge family vacation being relaxing or enjoyable, everyone wants to do something different, I also can't imagine not doing all inclusive hotel.
@carolynd2012 Our trip would’ve been better if it was all inclusive and I was in charge of accommodations, our resort was not all inclusive and had nothing for my toddler besides the big pool, no slides, no splash parks, no playgrounds. So just me stressed out at the pool since she wouldn’t wear her floaty or life jacket. Hope your trip goes well!
@qity I took a family vacation with my husband, MIL, FIL and our 15 month old at the time and we stayed in an air bnb as well. The entire trip felt like work. I was constantly tending to my kiddos needs, her anxiety being in a weird house, disrupted sleep schedule etc. all on top of catering to my MIL who couldn’t read the room. It was the worst “vacation” I’ve ever been on. Felt like I was a servant expected to do all the things. At the end of that vacation, I told my husband NEVER again will I ever “vacation “ with my in laws like that ever again.
@qity I totally get this - we travel with my family and stay together. I’ve started putting up boundaries of how many days we go because a whole week is simply more than I can take. I told my parents we’d go for 4 nights and if they want to stay longer they can.
@qity Last summer, we took our 3 and 2 year olds to Mexico for 5 days. I wish had more good memories of the trip, but most of it was me running around after my kids while my mom shamed me from room to room about how little attention i was paying to them. Fun stuff!
@qity I can relate. Went on vacation with a 2 year old. Never again, unless it’s with my parents (very accommodating), not with the in-laws until kids are like…5 and older.
@qity I’m going to one up you that I had a similar trip earlier this year except my daughter and I (I was pregnant) had explosive diarrhea/puked the ENTRIE TRIP. All I did was clean and do laundry.

We laid on a couch in misery looking out at a gorgeous blue ocean 😔

Bad vacations suck, you have my sympathy!!
@qity I can absolutely relate. I took my 6 month old for two months to visit family (we live states apart). You know how you go to a restaurant and are on alert the whole time because baby is unpredictable? It was like that the ENTIRE time and yes, family helps when baby is already napping. Nothing is baby proofed. Baby doesn’t have any consistency or routine and family wants to be on the go go go the whole time!

I only stayed one month before I had to go back home.