TTC haven’t stopped bleeding for 3 months


New member
I’ve come off birth control 4 months ago and I literally haven’t stopped bleeding since.
Doctor doesn’t seem too concerned and said it was either my body coming off of birth control or a miscarriage.
Sometimes I have a day where I stop bleeding but then I start again. It’s honestly getting me so so down.

It’s not just not being able to try for a baby but it’s also going through unmanageable cramping, flushes, headaches, tired, my partner not understanding and being cross that I just want to curl up on the sofa with a hot water bottle.
I always used to be lucky with periods, no cramping, very short bleeds.. but this is horrific.
I’m going to follow up with the doctor again but anyone been through anything similar? I have googled and searched through a fair few forums but I just feel so alone going through this.

Update: thank you to those that commented. I’ve been booked bloods (in jan) and prescribed mefenamic acid by the doctors until my bloods come back but hopefully this helps short term. Going to get a hot water bottle and take it easy as the pain is making me physically sick so hopefully the meds help!
@thetravman I’d recommend an ultrasound… something similar happened to me after I came off birth control and turns out I had an ovarian cyst. But Birth control hides a lot of conditions like PCOS and endometriosis and it’s worth finding a doctor who understands this and investigates it properly.
@fromnorway I second the ultrasound idea. I've had 2 miscarriages, my periods are 15 days long now, and a saline histogram (ultrasound where they inject saline in your uterus) was able to help us see that I have polyps in my uterus. Having surgery next month to get them removed so that my uterus can be normal again and we can keep trying. Best of luck to you!
@jennielynn430 I haven’t! That would make sense as to why I’m running a fever and shivering but thought it’s been going on for too long and I’ve only got that symptom lately.
Calling the doc now to run some tests.
@thetravman Great you are going to call the doctor. I got brushed off as being on my period but I couldn’t leave the house as I was constantly bleeding. I got medication and it cleared up in a few days.
@thetravman I'm sorry you're going through this. Even if your doctor doesn't think it's something serious, they should take your distress into account and run some tests. Good luck!!
@thetravman I bled for two months straight a year ago. I finally had an ultrasound scheduled and they found many polyps, some of which had started to bleed. I had to go for a day surgery and got all the polyps removed, and the bleeding stopped immediately. I hope you get the necessary medical intervention asap. I completely empathise because bleeding for so long was excruciating
@thetravman I also once bled for three months straight, for no apparent reason. So my doctor told me to take progesterone for I think 21 days. I didn't bleed while taking progesterone and after that I had a normal 4 day period and it got back to normal.
@thetravman I've had bleeding like this at least twice before, and both times it was due to abnormally long cycles (anovulatory) and the world's tiniest but most obnoxious polyps. Once those were removed via hysteroscopy, the bleeding stopped.

I totally sympathize with how much the bleeding absolutely sucks. I felt the same way -- it was frustrating to not be able to try, but the bleeding took over my whole life and made everything so much more miserable.

Definitely see if you can get a tv ultrasound/saline sonogram/some sort of diagnostic imaging to rule out anything abnormal -- polyps, cysts, fibroids, etc. Good luck!
@thetravman I’ve bled for two months, and it was sooooo unpleasant. Four months would make me crazy, especially with your symptoms. You need a referral to a gyno, ASAP. There are a number of treatable conditions that could be causing your issues.
@thetravman Best to go in, my mom was having the same issues when she was in her mid 40s and they found fibroids in her uterus and her uterus became enlarged because of this and she became anemic due to all the bleeding and ended up needing a hysterectomy.