Toddler tantrums are ruining my life

@benzohar In addition to the other good suggestions, have you tried headphones and music for you or earplugs to distance yourself a bit from the tantrums? We’re hard wired to respond to crying, some more than others, and it might help your response to get a bit of separation from it.
@themusicgoeson I have thought of it but I really hate the idea honestly. I just feel like it creates too much of a barrier between him and I. It makes me worry that he will notice it one day and feel like I wasn't fully invested in helping him. I know I don't bother talking to people with headphones or earplugs because I feel like they don't care about what I have to say.
@benzohar Understood, and I wouldn’t want it to be a long term solution as the kid gets older, but I think it might actually help you be more present because your brain short circuits less.

Another stress releasing option is to focus on your breathing…it might actually help your kid to practice too. Parents usually teach it as “blowing out the birthday candles”. For you, you might want to focus on counting as you breathe slowly in and out. Or try internally reciting a song you know the words to.

The key to toddler tantrums is taking them to a safe place to process then letting them learn to process in that safe space, so that eventually they can do so anywhere. Part of that is making yourself a safe calm part of that space. Thus I think prioritizing calming yourself (using any self soothing technique you find works) will ultimately help your toddler learn to calm down too.

Our bodies are hardwired to respond and protect our children: it sounds like you’re going through a very natural struggle. I hope you and your child get past this stage quickly.
@themusicgoeson Yea that's true. I think breathing is definitely going to be a better option for me.

I appreciate all the advice. This stage is so hard! I hope we get through this quickly