To switch or not to switch - gassy baby

@epistletimothy Of course!
She didn’t think it was CMPA as he had no real symptoms of that. His main symptom was just fussiness during and after eating. She didn’t think it was a true milk allergy, just a sensitivity. We use Similac Isomil and like I said it’s been great! I did try to transition him back to Similac 360 at around 3.5 months to see if he could tolerate it (I went down a rabbit hole and my thinking was we transitioned him during that 4-6wk peak fussiness period and maybe it was just that) but it didn’t go well at all. I did a week of 1oz new to 4oz old formula and he was consistently projectile spitting up during feeds so something with the regular milk formulas doesn’t sit right with him.

Also. this is all just our experience. I would def suggest talking to your ped about what formula they recommend for your baby as each baby and situation is different!