TIC because I finally finished my master’s w/ a 4.0

@yoly Congratulations mama! You should be proud! And now deserve all the extra rest going into the final stages of your pregnancy! I completed my combined masters/nurse practitioner program pregnant, the moment I completed, and passed my NP exams, I cried hysterics! And then about 4 weeks later our second little girl came bouncing into the world (cue hysterical crying again) so I can totally relate to the extra mental, physical, and emotional, stress such intense schooling can put on a pregnant mama. I wish you the best of luck going forward!! 💗
@yoly Congratulations on your masters! You can be so proud doing this while pregnant!
Right now I’m finishing my master thesis and hopefully submit it right before Christmas. My little guy is due in 5 weeks, so I have to hurry to finish everything in time :)
@yoly I had just started doing my masters when I found out I was pregnant. First trimester nausea was cruel and made it very very difficult to do anything. I somehow managed to maintain a cgpa of 4.0. I am currently on a break as I'm due in 2 months. I hope to join back 2 months after I deliver. I have been doubting myself if I will be able to keep up my pace and complete my masters with a 4.0 while taking care of a newborn. It is very important to me to get good grades and get a job at the end of this. I am scared after all the investment I am putting into this degree I might end up with nothing. I have been questioning myself if I can do this so much. You have given me some hope. ❤ Congratulations 👏 👏 👏
@yoly Omg I'm so proud of you!! Can't imagine how great it must feel! I'm in the beginning of my masters degree and I just completed my bachelor and found out a few days ago!! You go Mama, you're amazing!! Good luck on your journey